Luan Plywood in a coop


10 Years
Apr 21, 2009
Richmond, VT
I am in the process of building my coop and run. The coop will be insulated and I want to sheeth the walls inside with 1/4" luan plywood. Is that ok to use inside a coop? What have others used to cover the inside of their coops?


I put luan in my coop and thought I was the cat's meow because I was so smart. NOW I see that someone used shower paneling! Cheaper and very cleanable. EXCELLENT! Now I feel dumb. Go with the shower paneling.
I believe there are option more economic and ergonmic (sp?) I just use plywood. Cheap, easy, and I can paint it with satin exterior and its easy to clean. I was considering panels, but with a small coop like I'm building, too many angels :\\
I put up cheap luan in my first coop. I primed it, painted it with exterior paint and caulked the peawads outta it. looks great! I found all of this in home depots cull wood pile for like a buck a piece and couldn't pass it up. it was broken in some places (cull wood) and had some paint on it but it worked great! Its been hosed and washed and is holding up great. the shower stall stuff was way outta my price range.


Ps I didn't know it was called luan. we called it door skins....

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