Lymphoid Leukosis

Dee Dee 2

7 Years
Jun 8, 2012
Tomball, Tx.
I have lost all of my flock to Lymphoid Leukosis, a couple to coyotes and dogs. I am farily sure this disease came in with some Jersey Giants I bought from a hobby farm in Ga. I have 3 hens left from a feed store purchase almost 2 yr. ago, one R.C.R.I. R. I hatched, and one Buff that came with the J. G.'s . Which means she MIGHT be a carrier. But I doubt it since the ones that died were J. G.s. Does anyone know if it is "safe" for me to get new chicks ? Coops have been washed and sterilized. The last roo I lost was about 2 mo. ago. Neucropsy indicated Lymphoid Leukosis. I don't want to get new chicks only to have them die. I know this disease is mainly hen to embreo but it can be spread by contact, dust and etc. Any ideas, thoughts, would be appreciated. THANKS !˜
Dawg 53, Thanks for the link. I actually read everything. I am 99% sure this is what the J.G.'s had. The old timers called it wasting disease which is pretty accurate. I am going to wait a while longer, for numerious reasons, to get new chicks. I am going to write a nice letter to the lady I got the J.G.'s from to let her know what happened. Not accusing, just informing. Thanks again for the link ~keep that bike a-shinin (ˆvˆ). DeeDee2

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