Lynx or Bobcat?


9 Years
Mar 11, 2010
claremont, NH
OK, no dead anything right now, but we have a missing RIR roo, only five months old. Peaple have seen it, its twice the size of a house cat and a silver grey color. It seems to be there atleased once a week, sightings by all my family members. In daylight, morning most.

What it looks like: No-tailed silver grey HUGE cat. Seen pretty big paw prints leading into corn.
Before I would let my emus kill it, or shoot it, but I do know they are protected. I live southern VT. What can I do? Trap it? Or.. will I not get in truble if my emus rip it up? Bobcat? Lynx?

Here kitttty kitty kitty... right into the emu pen... thats it!
Even if it's protected, if it's in your emu pen--I'd say it's fair game to the emus! Lynx are larger, have larger ear tufts, etc.

We have both here although the bobcats are much more common. I haven't seen a lynx but I've seen four bobcats. I would guess they are 25+lbs (or roughly twice the size of an average house cat).


From what I understand, Lynx are about 3ft long and 35-40lbs.
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I live just across the river in NH, and bobcats are a protected species here. You should check their status by calling VT Fish and Game. God luck and sorry about your missing bird.
ARE YOU SAYING THAT EMUS WILL KILL AND EAT A BOBCAT?????? Are they brave or just crazy????? Don't they know that's a vicious predator????? How do they overpower it (claws and fangs and all) and don't they get hurt in the fight? This is the first time I've ever heard they could do it. Are they a threat to you when you get near them?
For your emu's sake hope it's a bobcat-- a lynx would be a lot more trouble. Also, given the rarity of the lynx I doubt you have one that close.
If a large cat is getting my chickens, the cat would mysteriously disappear and I wouldnt know anything about it. If you know what I mean.
VT has defined seasons for trapping and hunting bobcat,

Jan 10 - Feb 7, 2010 for hunting

Dec 1 - Dec 16, 2010 for trapping

You need to check for license requirements and for the availability of permits to take out of season due to predation.

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