MadamPoofyBrow's Super Awesome Chat Thread!

Okay, decided to toss out a topic to see if I can pull some people in:

Your funniest/most interesting chicken story!
I've got two:

First is when two of my roosters got in a fight and one got knocked out (Some of you have heard this one...) It was horrible cause I thought getting his head slammed down on a rock had killed the poor little guy. Then slowly, starting with his toes, he started twitching and slowly came back into the world of the conscious. It was a funny experience looking back at it. Then, it was absolutely terrible...His name's Phoenix, and he was knocked out by Estel
Second is my my very first rooster has, what the guy at the feed store (Who claimed he knew) calls 'temporary partial paralysis of the neck'
For three months his neck was limp and he was dragging his head around. Supposedly chances of survival were really low, but he pulled through. But his neck still goes limp every once in a while. Sweet little guy, but removed him from the breeding is one of my 'just for pets' and probably my fave rooster out there. He also spins around in circles and has HORRIBLE balance. His name's Monsieur Poofy Brow. His hen and coop mate is Madam Poofy name sake
The verge of war RP! I just joined in as the village thief ;-) I can't really explain!
Silkie will explai ,she?'s totally got it, lol!

I've missed you Glory, it's been just me and Silkie all day! Good to have you back :)
I've been reading back a ways trying to get the jist of it. Ok so I'll see if she'll ? Allow me to join. Or whoever the boss is. Lol awwwwww that's sweet. I know I've been just crazy busy. Getting ready for deer season. My husband and I are avid deer hunters!!!! Opens Monday! I can send a pic of one of my bucks last year,if you'd like?
I think we had the whole conversation here, but if a hunk is missing it's probably on Silkie's thread...the basic jist is you invent a character and 'play' with them in the world with the story line...I know, I'm horrible at explaining things, lol!
Just type verge of war RP in the search bar at the top of the BYC page ad it'll pop up, and you just post at the bottom that you wanna join, the head should walk you through it...Silkie helped me, and I think our whole conversation's on here :-D
And oh yes, I'd love to see your buck! Here's a strange thing about me: I don't hunt, don't think I ever could, but love seeing other people's hunting prizes! So odd...

No ovations!? I just noticed that! Booooooooo!!!
Okie dok thanks!!! Ok what about if a hunk is missing? Huh? You never know unless you try. Even if it's not a desire of yours as let's say a hobby. (We eat every one we kill;or feed a friends family. No waste. No suffering. One kill shot.) it would behoove you to learn the skill and posses the experiences that accompany it,for future disasters. Aka:economic collapse,recession,etc.

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