Maggots in duck food?

This is the one I use
I clean out at end of season store away till next year.
I went to clean it out the ducklings feeder and when I dumped it there were maggots. I clean it out once it is empty or just powder.

My duck immediately gobbled the maggots down when she saw them.

I’ve been battling flies so bad this year. It’s been awful. No matter what I do they won’t go away. We even had some ducklings die from flystrike.

1. Is it bad that they eat the maggots?
2. I’ve tried EVERYTHING I can think of to keep the flies away. I’ve bought fly traps, fly strips, I clean it out often, I have bought the powder to put down to reduce odor and I spray out the duck run a lot. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. It’s driving me crazy. I can’t go out there without flies constantly landing on me.

It has been a VERY hot summer and that’s probably why it’s so bad. I read flies can hatch in less than 8 hours if it’s 99 degrees outside. It’s been 99-103 most days.
We here in the UK have had a record breaking summer and the amount of flies has is ridiculous, we are having to battle them in our home as well as our coop, I haven't had maggots in the feeder but have found them in the duck compartment of our poultry house, although not found any in chicken compartments so far... I've taken to cleaning out their houses every other day in a bid to get on top of the problem - even in our home we are having so many problems, can't even sit watching tv without flies constantly landing on us! I am new to poultry keeping. So sorry for the loss of your ducklings :( - I didn't even know ducks can get flystrike until I read your post. I hope it gets better for you soon.
I don't know if this will be of any help, but I have change my coop flooring from pine shavings to PDZ and in the run I have thrown down dried pine needles that I collected from the pine trees on my land. I hung up a fly bait trap too and I also hung Vanillaroma car scent trees in the coop and run. Since then I have had no problems with the flies even after it rains.
(Before it was terrible!)
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I went to clean it out the ducklings feeder and when I dumped it there were maggots. I clean it out once it is empty or just powder.

My duck immediately gobbled the maggots down when she saw them.

I’ve been battling flies so bad this year. It’s been awful. No matter what I do they won’t go away. We even had some ducklings die from flystrike.

1. Is it bad that they eat the maggots?
2. I’ve tried EVERYTHING I can think of to keep the flies away. I’ve bought fly traps, fly strips, I clean it out often, I have bought the powder to put down to reduce odor and I spray out the duck run a lot. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. It’s driving me crazy. I can’t go out there without flies constantly landing on me.

It has been a VERY hot summer and that’s probably why it’s so bad. I read flies can hatch in less than 8 hours if it’s 99 degrees outside. It’s been 99-103 most days.
It’s perfectly fine for the ducks to eat the maggots however you probably don’t want it to be a continuing issue, I would recommend getting a plastic tote or something that you can completely seal the container. store all of your food in there so no moisture is getting in the food. Store in your garage or basement that way the vermin don’t have a spot to infiltrate the food source. Best of luck! :)
I know that a lot of people said maggots are ok for ducks to eat. Maggots in dry food are probably NOT a problem (other than the fact that they are there of course). However, maggots can carry botulism. It only takes a few botulism carrying maggots to kill a duck. Admittedly, botulism maggots are probably only going to be found in rotting protein (like, a dead animal)... but not all maggots are ok for a duck to eat.

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