I can’t wait to see pictures of the new ducklings! My two ‘Scovies are doing very well, thank you. My tiny hen went broody halfway through laying her first clutch of eggs and hasn’t snapped out of it yet despite having an empty nest. I’ve been carrying her out 2-3 times a day to make sure she can enjoy at least a little bit of sunlight and the outside world (her nest is in the farthest and darkest corner of the barn). Maybe next year, I will find her some fertile eggs so that she can be a mother.

My white ‘Scovy hen is broody part time and then hangs out with Daphne and goes out on adventures the rest of the time. She and Daphne share a nest also, so they are pretty much inseparable. I will have to take new pictures this weekend!
I have two that are sharing a nest as well. Their nest is in a kiddie pool. I think that is so sweet that they can share in the sitting. One stays when the other goes out to get some fresh air.
I have two Muscovy hens that have nested under our house. To my knowledge, they have been sitting for plenty long to have hatched their eggs. I noticed them going under the house late March. My timing may be off some but I really am beginning to wonder if something isn't right.
Will hens sit on a nest that isn't viable? They come out for their morning feeding and swim and then again in the the evening. They are in a huge hurry to take care of business so that they can get back to their nests. Any ideas?
Hey y'all! I've got some good news! I should have ducklings in June! :clap I can hardly wait! Soo excited! :)

I have 16 duck eggs under 1 Muscovy hen and 12 duck eggs under another Muscovy hen.
They are supposed to hatch June 6th through 10th. It's kinda hard waiting for so long, but time flies fast. It will go faster than I think. :)

@Muscovy Wunda @Muscovy-palooza @Miss Lydia @HelplessHomeSteader @Daphne_loves_mealworms @PolarBerry @Skye'sDucks @autumn_g @Thejperez
How are all your Muscovies doing? :)
Are 16 eggs from one hen or are you letting her sit on another hens eggs as well? I am trying to figure our how to hatch ducklings while still getting eggs. All of my hens are on nests. Well, one has 9 ducklings. Started with 10 and 1 got separated and disappeared.
I am missing having eggs. How can I have my ducklings without losing out on getting eggs?
Hi! I have Muscovies. I have 3 tame pet ducks, the first ones I hatched on my own.

I also have two drakes and 3 more ladies, and hatch and sell ducklings.
With a silver drake and barred black pied females, I got blue ducklings last year. This year yielded a more diverse batch, including this thing of beauty; a barred silver. His name is Holley, and he's staying to hopefully create more pretty duckies.

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