@the cluck juggler I have a question for you. I have a chocolate drake, a chocolate pied drake, a blue fawn drake, 2 blue fawn hens, 3 light blue fawn hens, and 1 chocolate pied hen. Which two of my ducks mated to make a silver? I tried figuring it out on the Muscovy calculator but I'm not getting any silver results.
I would just like to know so I can breed my Muscovies to produce more silvers.
Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate your help!
@the cluck juggler I have a question for you. I have a chocolate drake, a chocolate pied drake, a blue fawn drake, 2 blue fawn hens, 3 light blue fawn hens, and 1 chocolate pied hen. Which two of my ducks mated to make a silver? I tried figuring it out on the Muscovy calculator but I'm not getting any silver results.
I would just like to know so I can breed my Muscovies to produce more silvers.
Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate your help!
Silver is a diluted blue. Are you sure it's a silver that you have? If so, then it sounds like one of your lilac adults is actually a silver
So here's my mystery girl. First photo is day we got them. Front row, in the middle. She was that colour until molt
this is the light shade she turned after molt, now some history, her breeder has an all lavender flock, an all white and now some blacks. But she has a brown spot on her neck.

And this was her a couple of weeks ago, she's even darker now. She's not keen on the camera
@the cluck juggler @learycow
I just used the Muscovy calculator to figure out that if you cross a blue fawn drake with a blue fawn hen then you'll get 50% blue fawn (aka lilac) ducklings, 25% buff ducklings, and 25% chocolate ducklings.
I have a blue fawn drake and blue fawn hens, so that would make perfect sense if that ducklet was buff! She even looks really similar to the buff Muscovies pictured on the Muscovy calculator! Makes perfect sense, right? She must be buff!
Could you please post a link to this calculator? I've never heard of it!
Silver is a diluted blue. Are you sure it's a silver that you have? If so, then it sounds like one of your lilac adults is actually a silver

Well I guess I don't know for sure, but @the cluck juggler thinks it might be silver, and it sure does look like silver.
The only colors of Muscovies that I've ever owned are whites, chocolates, chocolate pieds, blacks, black pieds, blue pieds, lilacs, and lilac pieds.
However, I haven't had any blue pied, black, or black pied Muscovies in a few years.
I have 3 hens that I think are light lilacs which might have a possibility of being silver. I'll see if I can find some pics of them right after their molt so you can see what color you think they might be. If I took pics of them right now, they wouldn't look the color they really are because the sun bleached their feathers a much lighter color. I'm sure you know what I mean by the sun bleaching their feathers, you have lots of Muscovies.
Thank you for helping me figure out what color my Muscovies are! I really appreciate it!

Happy Muscovy-ing! :)
So here's my mystery girl. First photo is day we got them. Front row, in the middle. She was that colour until moltView attachment 1857645 this is the light shade she turned after molt, now some history, her breeder has an all lavender flock, an all white and now some blacks. But she has a brown spot on her neck.View attachment 1857646
And this was her a couple of weeks ago, she's even darker now. She's not keen on the camera View attachment 1857655

Very beautiful scovies you have! That's so interesting your one hen has changed color that much. My Muscovies also tend change color a little bit each time they molt, but not that much! I think she currently looks like a lavender. She might very well be one, considering the breeder you got her from had lavender Muscovies.

Happy Muscovy-ing! :)
View attachment 1857764 Guess which less than marvelous Muscovy is in jail tonight after violently attacking her sisters in a broody rage! That’s right, it’s this crazy girl. All nests destroyed, including Daphne’s (sorry, Daphne!) and one bad bird is locked in a dog crate!

Naughty girl, isn't that Goon 1?! Poor little Daphne! That's not very magnificent OR marvelous, Goon 1!

One of my broody Muscovy hens recently developed a bad habit of biting any duckling that comes into the coop! Well, I guess they're not really ducklings anymore, they have most of their feathers grown in. She not really hurting them, just chewing them a bit every time they walk in the door! Here a nibble, there a nibble. :gigSee, I also have a Muscovy hen that's not so magnificent or marvelous, but at least she's cute! She sounds like a precious, innocent little thing whenever she is talking, but she not as innocent as she looks!
I have some good news! One of my Muscovy hens is sitting on ANOTHER batch of eggs!

You won't believe it, but she is actually sitting on 25 eggs!!! My own self can hardly even believe it!
Whoever thought that a small little 5 pound hen could sit on 25 eggs?!
I would've never guessed! She's keeping all of them warm and everything!
I think she's trying to set a record, because up until now the most eggs I've ever had a Muscovy hen sit on at a time was 16 eggs!

They are supposed to hatch August 21st-25th, plus a few eggs that will hatch a little later.
A few days into incubation I found out that a different hen was laying eggs in her nest, so I had to solve that problem before it got out of control.
I plan on candling them sometime within the next few days.

:jumpy:ya:jumpy I'm super eggcited for more ducklings!

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