Once again, Mahonri's Mint Chocolate Mix
You'll get 18 eggs most will be Blue WheatenXWheaten/Blue Wheaten hens (although I now have a LOVELY Splash Wheaten roo from Peachick that is doing his job!, in the coop)
5 to 7 of the 18 eggs will be large Black Copper Marans.. this stock comes from a combo of Don & Melissa Parker and Bishop's Chickens. If either group slows down you could get an EE or two that will be fun.
I can't guarantee how you hatch so as always, Absolutely No Refunds for any reason.
Once again, Mahonri's Mint Chocolate Mix
You'll get 18 eggs most will be Blue WheatenXWheaten/Blue Wheaten hens (although I now have a LOVELY Splash Wheaten roo from Peachick that is doing his job!, in the coop)
5 to 7 of the 18 eggs will be large Black Copper Marans.. this stock comes from a combo of Don & Melissa Parker and Bishop's Chickens. If either group slows down you could get an EE or two that will be fun.
I can't guarantee how you hatch so as always, Absolutely No Refunds for any reason.