Mailman has my chicks again

That's awful. My PO doesn't deliver chicks to the home, rural or not (we are rural). They call me bright and early in the morning when the shipment arrives and I go down and get them myself. I have heard it is a good idea to call ahead and notify your PO. I haven't had to do that, but it might help.

I hope your babies will be ok! Be sure to put the extra sugar in their water to help them revive from the long trip.
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How terrible for you, when you tried so hard to get them to do the RIGHT thing.

I'd ask for an appointment right away with your local Post Master and don't hold back about filing a formal complaint. If their proposed resolution is not to your liking, you can go right on up the line to the regional Postal Inspector and then the Office of the Inspector General.

Sometimes you have to be harsh to get the point across. They had no right to ignore your wishes and contribute to the death of your chicks.
Maybe next time you can bring a note signed with your phone number on it. Also, put a taped note up for Walter so he will either bring them to you right away or not take them on his route. I went up to my post office today with a note and she grabbed clear duct tape and taped my note up. She seemed very thankful for the warning so I'm pretty sure mine will be ok this week at least on my post office end. We plan to bring cookies at 5 AM when I get my call this week.
I am going to call in the morning when I'm not so mad, just so I don't sound like a lunatic. It's hard to get mad at the old man, but for cripes sake WHY would he do that?!!? It was a bantam surprise special, so it's not like I'm out a TON of money or anything, it's just the fact that so many had to die. And I did expect a few DOA, just because it is so darn cold, but still

The 17 living are still alive, I can't even tell which one was not doing well anymore!
I'm so glad your 17 are perky!
Thanks for the update.

You are sweet to think kind of dear old Walter.
It is nice to see an old timer still at work. We can't all be spring chickens

Good luck and post pictures when you have time.
I have ordered from Murray McMurray many times - this time of year - no problem. I ordered again knowing that it was a holiday week. Chicks were shipped on Sunday and arrived today @ 3:00. P.O. called, I had called them way in advanced and called chicks. Well, I went to pick the chicks up right after they called and I live two minutes from the receiving area. I got there and the man in charge got the box and there was NO peeping - I knew they were all dead. I opened the box and checked them all out....I thought I heard one peep but could not find one alive! I was so upset but decided that when I got home I would check them all out in the warm house. Took each one out very carefully and looked them over and when I got to about the 14th chick it weakly peeped. I put it in my hand to warm it up and with in a minute it started to gasp a bit and I felt its heart beat and it started to move a bit,,I kept it in my hand for a long time and kept checking the rest of the chicks. I found another one same BLRW barely moving but opening its eyes a bit so held that one too. I have put them in the brooder and they both have had some water with quik chik ,,,we will see but they were both up on their feet. Time will tell. Thank goodness I checked each chick!

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