Mailman has my chicks again

It isn't really the driver's fault. He just takes what they give him.

Boy, does this make me appreciate my wonderful post office.

I always go to the PO and give them my name and tele and tell them to call me as soon as a package comes in with my name on it and I'll come pick it up. I don't want eggs or babies riding around all day in a truck. I had eggs shipped once to me by UPS and they couldn't find my address so they were gonna take them back to the distribution center, which is in an adjoining state, and try to redeliver the next day. I went on a war path, call the distribution center and made them find the driver and had him meet me at a location in town so I could pick up my eggs. They of course didn't know they were eggs, lol.
Please excuse me but now your going to go all nice, nice about it? I ordered chicks in the cold of Feb and not one of them died! The PO phoned me at 6:30 am and I got up in my pj's and went and picked them up. Let me get this straight and clear, you complain big time. I worked for the PO and every morning there would be a service talk. Now if everyone who got this type of treatment complained up the latter as far as they can go there would be a service talk at all the PO's in the country. You should take every one of those dead chicks down there and lay them on the counter.

"and I did expect a few DOA, just because it is so darn cold"? like it was your fault for ordering chicks in Feb? If now your going to take the blame why even bother us with this post? Maybe next time you can order extras just cause you know some of them are going to be DOA.
"and I did expect a few DOA, just because it is so darn cold"? like it was your fault for ordering chicks in Feb? If now your going to take the blame why even bother us with this post? Maybe next time you can order extras just cause you know some of them are going to be DOA.

This a little bit harsh. The hatcheries won't ship chicks if there isn't enough of them to stay warm. Most hatcheries have some sort of live guarantee. There should be some common sense involved when you have a peeping box of chicks that you don't take them out to ride in your mail truck for the day. DUH!
Why would you take any newborn creature out in cold weather? I would certainly make a big complaint
and let them now that you expressly told them NOT to have Walter deliver them. Lay those poor dead babies on the counter and say, "I told you on [date] to not deliver the chicks and this is why. Why didn't you heed my request? It's not safe to deliver chicks when its so cold, you know that! Couldn't you hear them in there?" Let them know that you will be making a complaint to the main Postmaster and that you expect full compensation for your loss. It's one thing to try to be nice and deliver the chicks but it's something else altogether to take a complete leave of your senses like this.
When I ordered my chicks, who are all peeping away next to me as I type, it was quite a while ago. I had no idea it would be so cold, BUT, it did not matter because the hatchery send them in a nice insulated box, AND, the Post Office called me early in the morning, and like another poster, I got up in my jammies, threw something over them, and went and got them. They are fine.

I ordered these chicks so that they would start to lay right as the older hens start to molt--so I can still have eggs to eat and eggs to sell during molt time. I need to order some for April also.

The Post Office should never have sent those chicks out in the cold like that. They should know better.

I think perhaps I should take cookies to my PO or something like that, apparently their carefulness is not something everyone experiences. They would never send out eggs or chicks. Heck, they called me when my WORMS came! Great people, I need to not take them for granted.

I am sitting here with my packing invoice that was enclosed on the states: " Call on arrival: (phone number) PRIORITY. Check your box...take it to the post office and talk to your post master. Read them the riot act. It is a requirement that the people they hire at least be able to read and follow simple directions! Then write his/her superiors! Mine should have been here Monday but I think all our mail goes to Corpus Christi and then back to our PO. All of mine were fine. So sorry you weren't as lucky.
the hatcheries can't control what the PO does, not ordering because you might get a dead chick is not a good reason, waiting till it warns up is not always an option for most, its not warm till may-june around here, and fair is early aug you need to contact the postmaster, and ask him why your birds are being sent with the mailman, that in most cases is not the policy. do you have a hub close, my PO has a hub close by and go get them there, it might be 1 am but its worht it, can you get your bird sent to a different PO, i know I'm lucky I've got 4 PO's close by

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