Mailman has my chicks again

Here is the official USPS policy on live animal shipments. Go to section 526.33 for information on claims:

"a. Death of the live, day–old poultry resulted from Postal Service handling after conditions for mailability were met and when there was strong likelihood that the shipment could have been safely transported."

The chicks were most likely all living when they arrived at the post office. The kind, but misguided, mail carrier was absolutely in the wrong in his handling of the package. A special request that the package be held at the post office was made and disregarded.

My opinion is that unless a stink is made about this, it's going to happen again. It won't stand out in their memories if you don't. They must be held responsible and liable for their actions to reinforce the importance of respecting your wishes in the future.
Ah, come on people. You know what a hard life all our postal workers have (tongue in cheek). They can't be expected to deliver our mail and protect the lives of a living being at the same time. (Sorry about the rant, I have a problem with my mail delivery). But I do know I never, never want baby chickens sent to me through the mail!
I plan on being outside today when Walter brings the mail. If he catches us outside he always wants to stop and chat for a few, and I KNOW he will ask about the chicks, so I will let him know that they did get too chilled and several died and to please next time let me come get them when they arrive.

I will do this nicely. He is an older man and I am 27, I do have the utmost respect for him. We are in a very VERY small town (think 250 people
) and I don't want to stir it up too bad. I am probably the first person to order chicks through the mail here.
I don't want to get Walter in trouble with the postmaster. He is just a friendly old man and honestly I think he was trying to help me by bringing them to me, I have a toddler and am 7 months pregnant and he is always so so sweet to my daughter.

I guess I shouldn't have made this post in the first place, I was just aggravated and mad and caught up in the moment. The good news is the other 17 are doing GREAT and seem to be super healthy.

ETA: I've ordered dozens of chicks through the mail and this is the first time I've ever lost one. Please don't be afraid of mail ordering chicks!
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I agree that the post office should call especially when asked but I don't think most of the deaths occur because the mailman has them in his truck. They either died before that or when/if the postman leaves them on the doorstep! I'm sure if it is 20* out he is going to have his heater on and it's probably warmer in there than at the PO but I agree that they need to call to find out what you want to do and check to see if you are home. If it's 20* out they should just leave them at the PO rather than put them on the doorstep. They usually want them gone ASAP because they make so much noise. Can't imagine a postman wanting them in the truck for too long. I prefer picking up because my mailman doesn't come until 2 in the afternoon and I want them out of the box ASAP and I am so excited I just can't wait that long. If you absolutely NEED chicks in Feb then by all means order them and take your chances. But for those of you that hatch your own, don't we get them under the heat lamp ASAP from the hatcher so as not to chill them because they are so fragile. We don't want to stress them. We don't put them in a non heated box for two days and then give them a heat lamp. I am suprised any make it at all in the cold months. Where in the PO and on the airplanes is it 95 to 100* I've said this before in another thread but I was on a waiting list for chicks and when Ideal called and said they had some I went ahead and got them. It was March. Ideal sent them Priority (which I was not aware of)and when the Post Office called (which my PO always does) I went to pick them up there were only 4 out of 25 alive. Frozen little ice cubes. I just think if you don't have a really good reason to order in Feb and March and it's possible to wait you should and make sure the hatchery you order from sends them overnight. It's not always the Post Office fault. I have heard rumors that the PO might stop shipping chicks at some point and time. Can't remember the reason why but can you imagine?
This is a very sore subject for me this year now too. I'm very irritated with our P.O. Apparently due to budget restructuring, they are sending trucks from the distribution center (an hour away) to only certain towns and all the postal carriers are collecting and disburising mail from those towns. My town does not get mail anymore now. We still have a P.O., but the mail comes out of another small (but 100 people bigger) town 10 miles away.

I found this out last fall when 100 broilers were dropped on our front step when I was at work and not due home for a nother SIX hours! Our neighbor picked the chicks up and kept them at their house, but still lost 1/3 of the order (I have a post on here from a few weeks ago about this and my new problem with trying to get chicks). I never received a phone call from them, they just dropped them off.

That post office will NOT let you come get chicks until after they open at 9 a.m. So by the time you get there (IF they call you and don't send the darn chicks out on the route), get home, unpack the chicks and drive 45 mintues to work, you've wasted the whole morning on a vacation day. Grrrr...

I checked with a post office 8 miles away from me that has nice workers and same situation there now too, but their mail comes in from a different town and it'd be after 9:30 before the chicks would arrive there.

I love getting chicks, but it's honestly turned into a big pain in the arse now. I worked it out to have the day off of work the chicks (hopefully) come in, via Express from Meyer, but I will be ordering from Cackle only in the future as they can ship on Wednesdays which would arrive here on Friday and my DH is off every Friday.

You wouldn't think people would be so dense would ya?!
Wow, there seems to be a huge inconsistancy with the PO's. Some of them must be allowed to make their own rules. I have to say I really love mine and I feel very lucky. When my mailman gets eggs or chicks he's called first thing, even getting me out of bed and I can pick up anytime, just go to the back door and knock. The office does not need to be open. I really feel for those out there who struggle with the PO.
To the OP, if you ordered from Ideal, they will credit you (or reship replacement chicks) for the DOAs They are a very nice hatchery. Great people to deal with. Probably all the hatcheries have this policy; I've only ordered from Ideal and was very satisfied with their service. We had unseasonably cold recently and the chicks probably didn't survive the plane trip (or maybe the delivery van to the local PO) Like so many others, my local PO is great about holding the chicks and letting us pick them up. In fact, PO employees seemed quite glad to see me when I went in to pick up the peeping box. The chicks were being quite loud! Sorry some of your peeps didn't make it. I know that feeling when you open the box and find the little ones dead.
I don't know if this will work, but maybe if enough folks make the suggestion to the USPS, they will make a policy and have a review of it with the local PO's to always call on live chicks and hold them there for pickup. Of course, this means that those of us ordering must take up the responsibility of calling them in advance to leave our contact info and being available to pick them up. But it's an idea. I just submitted this via the USPS website.

There is an inconsistent problem with some local post offices not being diligent about holding live chicks at the post office for pickup rather than sending them out with the carriers. Many folks are losing a lot of chicks due to the cold exposure, when these chicks would otherwise have survived if the recipients had been allowed to come pick them up at the post office as requested by them and in some cases as boldly labeled on the shipment boxes by the shipper. We have not yet ordered chicks for postal delivery, but I am hoping not to have issues when we do. Is there a firm, written policy regarding postal employee handling of this matter? I did notice section 562 regarding shipping requirements for the boxes, etc. But I think it would be worth reminding employees of the dire importance of getting those day old chicks to the recipients as soon as possible and not sending them out on delivery routes, and certainly not leaving them on doorsteps in this weather! Most folks ordering chicks will call the post office in advance to leave their phone # to be called as soon as the box arrives. It would be nice to know that there is an official mandate for employees to make the call and not send the chicks out for delivery, to insure the survival rate of these day old chicks.

Here's where I did it, in case anyone else would like to do the same:

selected an inquiry type of "Suggestion" and then clicked on "Receiving Mail," then the "Continue" button. On the next screen, I typed the above into the "Additional Information" screen. Then I gave my contact info and asked for a reply email. I'm supposed to hear something in the next two days according to the exit page.

Just a thought. Maybe it's "city hall" and can't be fought, but we can try!​
I would be freakin out as well! Keep us updated on when they arrive! Just my 2 cents...NEVER use the PO again!!! I don't us my reg. PO...instead use a local shmocal PO when I have chicks shipped b/c they are soooo small and have NOTHING going on! Anywho...they SUCK! Hope you're babies are ok. Blessings, Keri
I odered my chicks a few weeks ago and I got a ship date of 2/15. I called yesterday and inquired about the holiday to see when they would arrive and I was told they would arrive 2/17, so yesterday I went to my local P.O. and informed them of the shipment and gave them my name, number and address. They told me that as soon as the got there they would call and we could come pick them up......and they did just that....they called at 7:30 and I went and got them and they opened up early so I could get in. Very nice of them. I live in WI and as such I expected some DOA. I got them home and started working them and all came out fine no DOA.....infact we ordered 15 and we got 24.....aparently they threw in some roos to keep them warm......All are peeping and sleeping.......very cute.....if I knew how to post pics I would give you guys some to feed on.

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