Maine Duck House


5 Years
Apr 2, 2017
Rockland, Maine
My Coop
My Coop
Hi, All.

We're part way through our build, which I (perhaps inappropriately) posted in the duck forum. Here's a picture of our current progress:


...and here is the full thread:

We'd love any and all feedback!

Looking good, it's a decent size too. How many do you plan to keep? How do you plan to deal with the long cold winters and frozen waterers? I use rubber bowls and pans and buckets. Ducks are messy year round but winter they are extra messy.
Looking good, it's a decent size too. How many do you plan to keep? How do you plan to deal with the long cold winters and frozen waterers? I use rubber bowls and pans and buckets. Ducks are messy year round but winter they are extra messy.

We have seven silver Appleyards at present. The house itself is just 4x8, but the run is 12x8 (plus under the duckhouse proper). We are running electricity to the duckhouse, so we were thinking electric heaters for the water. I guess time will tell! We're on the coast, so we don't get quite the winter other parts of Maine get, but we can get our fair share of cold.
Now I see your plan, it should be fun working any of the kinks out, silver appleyard are pretty ducks. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product.

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