Maine Spring Sit and Swap 4/13


7 Years
Apr 23, 2012
Western MA
I hope this works! This thread is for us to post what we are able to bring so I am not acting like the switchboard anymore :)

Where: Bowdoin, Maine at my private residence. Pm me for directions. Note the word 'private.'
When: April 20th 11-2.
Why: Sit, swap, and see each other lol
Bring: Mug, chair(s), as well as any items you have to swap or share (preserves, poultry anything, seeds, seedlings, blown eggs, saddles etc etc). I think selling is fine too but IDK what the rules are in BYC regarding that. Bring your SO and mature children who are involved in poultry. For biosecurity, please, wear clean shoes and be understanding about not traveling into the property.

If you have a cage that would hold LF birds and could be borrowed for the day please pm me about this. I would love to assemble a few of my 'rare' birds for people to look at but do not have more than two cages that would accommodate this.

No pets or smoking allowed.
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I can offer eggs or birds in the following LF breeds: Russian Orloff, BBS Ameraucana, BC Marans, Salmon Favorelles. I may have birds available as well as chicks in various breeds or crosses not listed. PM me for inquiries. All are NPIP
I also have canned goods and seeds.

I would be interested in seed swapping. If you will be as well bring envelopes or baggies for the seeds you are taking home. I could also use a couple saddles.

I am providing tea bags (no coffee here, sorry), unlimited water and the location for this event. Any incidentals will be a surprise :)
I'll bring along some seeds...hopefully some envelopes, and maybe some seedlings..maybe a jar of pickles?! Oh, and possibly cookies (maybe those white choc. cranberry oatmeal ones you like so much Ash?) I think SO will stay home.
I might have a few seedlings to bring. Does anyone have a request for a particular type of seed? It's hard to narrow down or guess people's interest. Banana squash?

If someone requests them, I would be happy to provide hatching eggs, but all I have to offer are olive eggers and Basque, so speak up if you would like some.

I would also like to bring something to snack on. This could be something fairly normal like cheese and crackers or salad, or something more bizarre, like walnut spread with pomegranate molasses. Any food allergies or cravings?

For me, the hard part is not bringing something, but making a decision about what to bring....
LOL Well average or fancy sounds good either way. Yum! Granola bars are on par with cookies:)
I would love some pure Basque. I think I might be keeping mine after all. I can't figure myself out. I figure I have two months to decide concretely but so far... why not? Sounds like paper plates are necessary now- yey! I have a buff orp if someone wants her too-- she's about 6 mos. IDK if she is laying but I think so. Bucka- trade for an OE pullet? I would take a good OE chick or three eggs just for color in the carton.

Does anyone have Spaghetti Squash seeds? I will have a basket of seeds here to look at so bring yours and we can get excited by what we didn't think of!
I make granola, but I've never made granola bars. Seems like it must not be too hard to do.
If you don't already have paper plates, let me know because I have a stash here. How many people are we?

I can bring Basque eggs! I will trade for a cup of tea. Really, I can't think of anything I particularly need. Someday I may be interested in Marans, but I have the few blue and wheaten Marans chick to grow out for now, and if I like them I may go with one of those varieties. Like you, I have a plan that is continually evolving. I was seeking out dark laying Welsummers for this year when I saw the Marans mix advertised and changed my mind.

I like my Basques. They have good personalities and are good layers. If you end out keeping them, maybe we could swap eggs in the future to mix the gene pool. My Basque egg offer comes with a warning: I have seen Mr. Side sprig comb attempt to mate the Basque hens. When he does this, he gets pummeled quickly by the other roo, so I don't think he is very successful, but there is a chance....

The side sprig roo does not have the white tail feathers that are supposedly wrong, and he has a good body type (large). The dominant roo does have white tail feathers, but a nice comb and yellow legs, and he is smaller than the other. Anyway, if you want to try some despite all these defects, I will start saving eggs tomorrow. It won't be a full dozen by then, but I will do my best.

No spaghetti squash seed here, - DH doesn't like it. Speaking of seeds, I need to get some started today. I am falling behind schedule!
Yey, another person. I need a big cup of sanity. I don't think they sell it in bottles anymore, just little covered mugs you have to heat up yourself.

This looks like it will be small but I think that is nice. You could bring a silkie or two cuz you know they are so cute or you could entertain us with your Wabbits :) There isn't much on the list of foods being brought that are very 'luncheon.' Um... I have crackers here, tea, some fruit... ???

Again- there is no coffee or nicotine here. If you want the first I might find some in the tea but the second one is totally a no no. Thanks for understanding.

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