
Love the pop door photo! I've done that a few times myself.

I might like a small number of hatchery birds in the spring, if I don't hatch my own.

Ashandvine, all I have are the lavenders. Rooster has gold leakage.

It took trips to 4 different stores to get grit! Agway said people are buying it for their driveways.

These below zero mornings are really hard on my hands. I have pins-and-needles in the morning from carpal tunnel syndrome, and sometimes I get Raynaud's (just the phenomenon, not the disease). Normally, I break into a run for the house at the end of chores, because my hands hurt so much. Not today! I bought these hand warmers. They are each made of two large gel packs, covered in fabric and lined with flannel with an opening on the end. You are supposed to microwave them to warm them up, but I leave them on the warming bench of our Russian fireplace. Hand warmers get stuffed into my pockets (winter chore jacket with BIG pockets). I could feel the warmth on my torso. Anyway, I wear my regular gloves to top off feed, water, and scrape poop boards, but about half-way through, when my hands are freezing, I take off my gloves and shove my hands into my toasty pockets. Instant relief! Then I go back to work. I took 3 brief warm-up breaks today, and strolled back to the house pain-free.
I feel your pain! My hands can't take the cold either! My fingers swell up in the cold and even in the summer when it's really hot! I have used those hot hand packets. You can get them at Walmart but it's not the best solution. No gloves are perfect either. I have a super pair of down mittens but they aren't very practical for doing chicken chores!

My feet also suffer from circulation issues, I had bad chilblains last winter and at the beginning of this winter. But then I bought a pair of super awesome boots! they are called bunny boots or mickey mouse boots. They are old military boots, very ugly but super warm! I highly recommend them. They are also waterproof and insulated with felt and wool! I bought them on ebay for like $55, can't beat that price.
I thought you were going to reference the third ice storm we've had this season... where's the melt we were promised?

Just about all my issues are related to the ice and low temperatures.

The melt will be here on May 17th at 1031 am. Then we go back into the deep freeze. No summer for us this year.
At least that is what it seems like.

Anyone trying to fly out this morning got nowhere fast. Frost on planes is easily removed. Snow fairly easy but takes a bit more time. If it is actively snowing again not too bad just time consuming unless it is really coming down faster than it can be removed. Freezing rain not so good. Very difficult to keep up with and it also makes the runways a bit slippery to say the least. So glad I did not have to work today. Once it changes to all rain things should get back to normal.
too bad I missed on the chick order! I will be ordering from Murray McMurray for arrival in march if anyone is interested in splitting an order! I only really want 10-12 chicks.
We at RMT farms are excepting spring chick orders thro end of month for first round of chicks in april/march. U tell us what breed you want and how many and we will get it for you. we do not order from hatcherys we work with local farmers to find any and all breeds if its one we dont have. for both chicks,turkeys,ducklines
Just put our order in thru RMT farm today! Super nice people and I highly recommend them! We came so close to ordering from Murray McMuray yesterday. So glad we saw their post and decided to go local! Thank you again for taking the time with us today and answering all of our questions! I can't wait for my girls to arrive!!

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