
I don't suppose anyone raises REAL Ameraucanas out of a decent line do they? Last I knew I was one of two or three folks who had them in the state and were breeding with intent. Have to ask because my cockerel is gone.
Love the pop door photo! I've done that a few times myself.

I might like a small number of hatchery birds in the spring, if I don't hatch my own.

Ashandvine, all I have are the lavenders. Rooster has gold leakage.

It took trips to 4 different stores to get grit! Agway said people are buying it for their driveways.

These below zero mornings are really hard on my hands. I have pins-and-needles in the morning from carpal tunnel syndrome, and sometimes I get Raynaud's (just the phenomenon, not the disease). Normally, I break into a run for the house at the end of chores, because my hands hurt so much. Not today! I bought these hand warmers. They are each made of two large gel packs, covered in fabric and lined with flannel with an opening on the end. You are supposed to microwave them to warm them up, but I leave them on the warming bench of our Russian fireplace. Hand warmers get stuffed into my pockets (winter chore jacket with BIG pockets). I could feel the warmth on my torso. Anyway, I wear my regular gloves to top off feed, water, and scrape poop boards, but about half-way through, when my hands are freezing, I take off my gloves and shove my hands into my toasty pockets. Instant relief! Then I go back to work. I took 3 brief warm-up breaks today, and strolled back to the house pain-free.
That picture was awesome! !!! I needee that ty!!! I'm a mixed bag of emotions today with my kiddos. I'm sad for one and freaking out with the younger one's independence...

Can't wait for some warm weather this weekend! !!!

I have chick fever now!!!!!
Ok so I posted a pic a while back of a EE/OE turning colors...she had been all black then started turning white...

I saw this post on FB on an orpington pg with a speckled. ..

What do you think???
I have a hen that did the same thing. She was all black for the longest time and then all of a sudden she started growing white feathers with her first molt, but not many of them. Just a few here and there. This year she's molted and grew back in mostly white with a few black feathers. It's the strangest thing I've ever seen - she's like a transformer chicken. When I first noticed her white feathers I thought for sure someone had dropped off one of their chickens to live with mine because that wasn't my bird but my count wasn't off and she now gets whiter with each molt.
I have a hen that did the same thing. She was all black for the longest time and then all of a sudden she started growing white feathers with her first molt, but not many of them. Just a few here and there. This year she's molted and grew back in mostly white with a few black feathers. It's the strangest thing I've ever seen - she's like a transformer chicken. When I first noticed her white feathers I thought for sure someone had dropped off one of their chickens to live with mine because that wasn't my bird but my count wasn't off and she now gets whiter with each molt.
Sounds like an "Appaloosa" chicken. We raised an Appaloosa/Quarter Horse filly from 5 months old, when I was a kid and that's what she did each year, when she shed out her winter coat.

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