
Cknidy, I have a chicken that seems to choke occasionally. It happened first when she was a pullet. She made a loud squeaky/coughing type noise, and I was sure she has about to choke to death. My chickens freak out if I pick them up, and since I wasn't really sure how to help, I just watched her and she recovered on her own. It still happens occasionally, -always this hen. The last time she sounded like she had asthma, just gasping for air, and as usual, I was sure she was about to drop dead. A few minutes later she was fine. She does tend to gorge on any snacks that appear. She could be the poster child for the eating expression "I really inhaled that".
TWO chicken eggs today!!!!

:( And a broody goose. She's getting off the nest, but very reluctant to do so. I'm afraid she'll goose one of the kids! I hope she stays broody until March! I don't think goslings would survive very well until at least then.

Mine do fly, but not alot. I have Toulouse. Maybe since they are so heavy? I also let them free range all they want. I only lock them up when predators come or when my garden is in full swing. I am hoping to have fences up better this year, so I won't have to lock them in their yard so much. I hate to see them locked up.
I've been blocking the nest boxes with a piece of cardboard at night b/c one of my girls has been sleeping in the nest. This morning, we slept in a bit, so I didn't get out to pull the cardboard soon enough for Baby's liking. I opened the door to let the girls out, gathered up the frozen food dishes, and was heading back into the house when I heard some rustling in the green house. Of course, I had to investigate. Found Baby rustling around in a cardboard box that I had tossed in there after the last cold snap. So, I pulled her out of the box, tossed the box into the snow, and set her on the path back to the coop. She was having none of that! She paced around in front of the snow bank in front of the box for a bit, then hopped over the bank and made a bee line for the box. So, I had to scoop her up and stuff her into the pop door of the coop loft so she could see that the nest boxes were opened for business. She dutifully trudged into the box, and presented a nice blue egg before breakfast.

My girls will make that high pitched coughing/choking noise when they inhale dry feed. Occasionally get a long piece of grass/hay stuck half way down. I don't see how they can wind those super long pieces of half dry grass down their gullets, but they seem to relish the process.

Thanks for the Wyandotte reports! I'm thinking that my spring chick order will include replacement Doms, and several Wyandottes, and rose comb brown Leghorns. Perhaps, the following year, I can add a roo and get some interesting barn yard mixes. I wonder what rose x pea comb will produce? Thinking that any solid dark roo over Dom will produce sex links. I think it would be neat to work on producing a nice cold tolerant, good foraging bird with small comb and WATTLES. Of course, lots of folks would say, why try to re-invent the wheel. My response... because I can!
I have silver laced wyandottes. They are ok, they don't seem to be laying nearly as much as my rhode island red or barred rock. Oh, and their eggs are small. But then I know that they are inbred, poor birdies. They are very pretty though and not too noisy.
This week's egg count was 35, which is up by 10 eggs over last week, but less than the 37 eggs we had two weeks ago. I'd claim the turn-around has arrived, but I'm not sure what will happen when the "polar vortex" returns. Not really looking forward to the frigid temperatures, but January is almost behind us and I'm enjoying the extra light.
Sad its snowing again. So was my flock. They will miss the grass patches they have dutifully been scratching at. I gave them a big bowl of veggies and strawberries. Love that they come running when they see me come out with food! Lol!!! Was trying to take some pics and got up close to have one biting at my fingers! Didn't see that coming ... my 11 yo couldn't stop laughing! !!
So are you thinkin spring yet? We are. We have filled our first round of chick orders but are now accepting orders for our second round which is for june/july. So you thinkin of ordering from TSC or one of the other stores or maybe even thehatcherys? why do that and pay shipping or min fees. We have no min order and no shipping. We will meet or beat any competers price. We accept paypal, cash, check or Credit card and offer many payment options. No order to big or to small for us. You tell us what breed you want and how many and we will make it happen. WE DO NOT ORDER FROM HATCHERYS. We use our personal stock and other local farmers to help fill all orders so by ordering from us your helping to keep farming local. Chicks start at $3.25 each and turkeys start at 5.50 each meat birds are priced depending on how many you buy. these will all be day old to 72 hour old. WE stand behind every bird we sell 100 percent. And have a 2 week warrenty on all animals from the date they leave our facuilty. If within two weeks from date they leave us you have any problems or are not happy with your purchese we will refund your money free of charge. So whats stopping you. Feel free to PM us or call us anytime at 207-409-9939. Located in Sabattus,ME
I have silver laced wyandottes. They are ok, they don't seem to be laying nearly as much as my rhode island red or barred rock. Oh, and their eggs are small. But then I know that they are inbred, poor birdies. They are very pretty though and not too noisy.
That is so funny to hear that your Wyandottes are not too noisy, because my girl is the loudest one in the bunch. I could hear her, this morning, through our CLOSED bathroom window! She just had to tell everyone that she'd laid an egg. It was even before the sun came up, so I'll bet she woke up the rest of my girls. She cracks me up!

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