
I've been noticing the past week that my coop is really stinky. I have cleaned it out twice in a week (typically I only change the bedding 1x a week) but the next day it is bad again. Everything is quite damp and muddy, so think that's it? I'm even wondering if something died under the coop. Any advice on cutting down the smell?
I've been noticing the past week that my coop is really stinky. I have cleaned it out twice in a week (typically I only change the bedding 1x a week) but the next day it is bad again. Everything is quite damp and muddy, so think that's it? I'm even wondering if something died under the coop. Any advice on cutting down the smell?
maybe some baking soda? put a few boxes in there? works for my fridge!
I've been noticing the past week that my coop is really stinky. I have cleaned it out twice in a week (typically I only change the bedding 1x a week) but the next day it is bad again. Everything is quite damp and muddy, so think that's it? I'm even wondering if something died under the coop. Any advice on cutting down the smell?
LOTS of ventilation.
Damp and muddy? Put a layer of gravel (I cheated and used the grit!) and then do hay. Well, whatever you use on the floor but I have hay in the runs and it works well. I was amazed how much the grit actually worked. How has everyone been?
Has anyone ever died to death of boredom waiting for spring? So not looking forward to return to deep freeze after this teaser.

I gave the girls a good scoop of millet today. They went to bed with very full crops. They also got some freezer burned fish mixed with oatmeal, an egg, and a bit of cat kibble.

Who's got Wyandottes? Any noticeable difference in temperament and laying frequency between BLR and GL? I understand that they're slow to mature, but after they start laying, how reliable are they?

Anyone got Brown Rose Comb Leghorns?

Spring is only 8 short weeks away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Has anyone ever died to death of boredom waiting for spring?  So not looking forward to return to deep freeze after this teaser. 

I gave the girls a good scoop of millet today.  They went to bed with very full crops.  They also got some freezer burned fish mixed with oatmeal, an egg, and a bit of cat kibble.

Who's got Wyandottes?  Any noticeable difference in temperament and laying frequency between BLR and GL?  I understand that they're slow to mature, but after they start laying, how reliable are they? 

Anyone got Brown Rose Comb Leghorns?

Spring is only 8 short weeks away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :cool:
I'm with you...spring fever after these warmer days.

The chickens had a great day running around today with various patches of grass. They looked very happy!!!! So nice to be home all day to watch them outside. Seriously should have done more housework but looked through seed catalogs and watched the chickens most if the day! Lol just what I needed I guess. ;)
Thanks for the responses. I have considered something along the lines of baking soda, Anya - ha! Something to suck up the moisture.

I don't know what else I can do for ventilation. :-/ I have ventilation in the roof (clearly perhaps needs to be improved) and have been keeping the window open even at night, since it's been so warm. Dreading the coming freeze, although that will fix the mud issue!

Gravel in the run... good point. Fix the issue from where they are tracking it in.

Afraid this is just a sneak peak for that infamous "fifth season" of mud!
Lazygardner- waiting to be able to do something makes it harder to get started the time we CAN get out there, there are so many plans we don't know what to start first! And just as I was thoroughly enjoying not having to break ice the snow is due to say hello again. Has anyone ever had to massage their chicken's throat because it was choking? One of the buff laced polish boys came to stand by my leg while I was scooping poo after feeding. They never do that unless they want something:) Noticed he was stretching his throat and opening his beak. He let me pick him up so I rubbed his throat a bit and put him down. He started walking away so here I was scooping poo again and he's back. I changed out the water but he wasn't interested, kept doing the choking thing. Rubbed his throat in a rough downwards motion all the way to the crop for several minutes and I guess he was fine cuz the piggy went back to the food like nothing happened! Anyone else ever notice their chickens come for help?
Has anyone ever died to death of boredom waiting for spring? So not looking forward to return to deep freeze after this teaser.

I gave the girls a good scoop of millet today. They went to bed with very full crops. They also got some freezer burned fish mixed with oatmeal, an egg, and a bit of cat kibble.

Who's got Wyandottes? Any noticeable difference in temperament and laying frequency between BLR and GL? I understand that they're slow to mature, but after they start laying, how reliable are they?

Anyone got Brown Rose Comb Leghorns?

Spring is only 8 short weeks away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have one SLW and she's great! She was the last one to start laying, but is also the youngest pullet I've got. I think she started about 25-27 wks. She lays about every day and seems to be my toughest girl. She's the first one out in the cold, in the AM and I noticed her outside quite often on those colder days. Also quite friendly.

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