
I would have if they had allowed the ultra rare Mud Chicken to compete. :
Mine would have easily won best in show. My poor Silkie has looked so bedraggled for the past few days. It looks like she (or he) just stepped out of a shower and shook like a dog. Not a feather in its proper place. Hopefully the next few days will stay dry so she can get back to her normal properly preened fluffy self. And that the mud will start to dry up so I can get the horses' fence back up.
Still not sure if the horses' acted on their own or had help. The fence post that was snapped off at the ground ended up in the paddock and not out. And the electric tape (all three strands) was torn off the other posts along one whole side. So it could have been a moose or deer. Or even the coyotes getting everyone riled up. At least there were no injuries and other than a bit of labor it should be an easy fix. And the weather should be warm and sunny. I may have to invest in a new charger but that is nothing compared to what could have happened.
my horse always as getting into trouble. he would sometimes put his foot through the 4x4 wire and pull, lucky were the days he only lost a shoe, other days, not so lucky, resulted in the vet.
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Where did you all get your birds from originally? I only know one local person that has chickens (I know there are more but I only know one!) and she got hers from Paris Farmers Union. Is it better to get them from someone or from a hatchery? I'd like to get better birds than a better price. Just curious =]

Wasn't today a beautiful day?! We got some progress done on the coop!
Depends on what you want from your chickens. If you are dong eggs or meat, Farmers Union birds are priced reasonably and you don't have to pay for shipping. By the way, the Farmers Union birds ARE hatchery birds.

If you want show birds, you'll pay more. Most people start out with hatchery birds, find a breed they like and then progress into showing. At that point, testing of your birds is a yearly thing, since birds in shows & fair must have testing papers (NPIP)
Anyone living in the Houlton area our last chicken swap of the season will be at MPG parking lot Sat. 8am to 12.Chickens and other animals will be there to sell or swap.Free feed given away every hour if you bring an animal.
my first birds came from a local auction house, then I got hatchery chicks and once I found out what a difference buying form someone that shows birds, I bought from breeds and I won't get hatchery birds unless they are meat birds.

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