
Everyday after the kids go to bed I check this site and google chicken stuff. lol! My husband has a conversation with himself when he sees me at the desk. "What are you doing? Reading about chickens."
Hahaha! We took the kiddos apple picking the other day and there was a little flock of chickens running around, which of course caught my attention. I was following them and talking to them and trying to pick out the diffent breeds when my husband came over and said "Anna, you're doing it again"


Chicken talk
there is nothing wrong with talking with chickens, hubby might get worried about you if they start talking back.
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We have some friends up visiting from Boston... their 2 year old is OBSESSED with the chickens. She stares out the front door longingly at them all day and keeps asking "go see the chickens?" hahaha maybe kids aren't so bad after all!
Sorry I don't do diapers. My first diaper change ever was my sisters first kid about 5 years ago. I wiped "the wrong way" on her girl and then I stuck the diaper on backwards. That was my first AND last diaper experience (from the receiving end instead of the giving end, that is) and I plan to keep it that way. I am so not maternal.
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I am so excited. I just got asked to bring my stained glass to sell at a invite only showing (not sure if I'm saying that right- you have to be invited to exhibit but it's open to the public to come and buy). now I'm completely nervous, excited and like, wow, I have so much I need to get done!! off I go!

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