
Still have some Indian runner ducklings available from my 6/25 hatch if anyone is interested. Also have some mini rex bunnies ready in a couple weeks for new homes, and some adult rabbits.



I couldn't agree more with the need for a swap in the Bangor area!! It would be so nice to have the opportunity to get and give things without the travel!!
My first Cochin turned out to be a roo who puts me into hysterics when he tries to run with the three Buffs he was raised with. I have named him Mongo. I have hopefully gotten him a lady friend, but she is having too stay in the barn to keep her safe.
So sorry about Henrietta, bwockbwock!
I'm glad the chicks were okay.

And SCG reminded me of the other reason (besides predators) that I don't entirely free-range, - we have a large un-fenced garden. I can just imagine how much fun they would have out there!
My girls have left the garden alone. There is so much other stuff to play around in I guess they decided to forage elsewhere. Right now the only ones who free range are the soon-to-be crock pot rooster and his two girls plus the three muscovies. Everyone else is in the pen attached to the coop. The one turkey can easily fly over the fence but seems to prefer to hang out with the ducks and the younger chickens. The chickens can fly over the fence but have so far stayed within it. I have been slowly fox proofing the fence. Every time I think I have it fixed I see new signs of digging. So far it hasn't been able to dig under but I don't want to encourage repeated attempts.Tomorrow is a trip to TSC to get more holders for the electric wire so I can hook it up again.
Remember, where there is one, there are probably more

Last year I trapped 12 shunks that had taken up residence under my son's room crawl space.

It took emptying the Havahart trap twelve times - My neighbor dispatched males, females, youngsters - one at a time.

I've trapped minks and weasels too.

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