
That's why you wanted me to keep Thriller. I'll have to lock him up with Elsa for a few weeks and then hatch the insane progeny from that mating for you.

It took 4 nurses to administer my Tdap recently (I was well overdue, my last one was in high school). I can't imagine how many people it would take for me to give blood. I'd happily do it if you can find the people. Maybe we can get a driver for Widget and she can be one of the posse to hold me down and threaten me.

Yes, both Sam Adams Octoberfest and Shipyard Pumpkinhead is out and well stocked in stores. Life's good.
I also just picked up some Devil's Cut from Jim Beam which is surprisingly good.

Octoberfest is not a pumpkin beer, is it? I thought it was simply a seasonal beer they made. In any case, I don't do pumpkin. Yuck. Sorry, I know it's a huge hit (especially in Maine) but I just despise it. Same goes for blueberry beer. Not sure what it is, I just can't stand those.

In other news, you've got good taste in bourbon! Devil's cut is great. If you're looking for a lightly fruity bourbon that's super easy to sip, the original Red Stag (black cherry) is great. I'm not a fan of fruity flavours, or "messing" with a good thing, but I really enjoy some red stag on the rocks. It's not a gross cherry or medicine essence at all. Very clean.

Working on a few bottles at the moment, some Jefferson's Reserve Rye, Knob Creek, Jim Beam Signature Series (amazing), and a Macallan 12 year scotch. If you haven't tried Jim Beam's Rye, I highly recommend it. For $16 a bottle it's a very smooth Rye. For ~$22 Jim Beam Black is probably the best "cheap & good" bourbon there is...if that's even a thing.

My girls have started hanging out by the back door. I'm not sure if they're hoping for treats, or just waiting for that big strange looking chicken to come out of the big coop and go help them find bugs.
So far the newest additions are settling in. They were out and about all together doing great! And at the end of the day they went into their respective houses. Hopefully its always this easy introducing new chicks??? Or maybe because they were from the same hatch??? Or is just luck??
Octoberfest is not a pumpkin beer, is it? I thought it was simply a seasonal beer they made. In any case, I don't do pumpkin. Yuck. Sorry, I know it's a huge hit (especially in Maine) but I just despise it. Same goes for blueberry beer. Not sure what it is, I just can't stand those.

In other news, you've got good taste in bourbon! Devil's cut is great. If you're looking for a lightly fruity bourbon that's super easy to sip, the original Red Stag (black cherry) is great. I'm not a fan of fruity flavours, or "messing" with a good thing, but I really enjoy some red stag on the rocks. It's not a gross cherry or medicine essence at all. Very clean.

Working on a few bottles at the moment, some Jefferson's Reserve Rye, Knob Creek, Jim Beam Signature Series (amazing), and a Macallan 12 year scotch. If you haven't tried Jim Beam's Rye, I highly recommend it. For $16 a bottle it's a very smooth Rye. For ~$22 Jim Beam Black is probably the best "cheap & good" bourbon there is...if that's even a thing.


Red Stag Honey Tea on the rocks is really tasty
Wow I just got back here after a while away. I bought a house and have been working on it for the last year, finally all moved in. I had some reading to do, 4537 unread posts LOL. our original flock of 12 has changed a lot. we sold some, ate some and breed some. Bought some new ones and repeated the cycle. We now have around 30. We plan on down sizing before winter. In the southern part (lebanon) of the state. I'd like to sell about 10 or 12 of our mixed breed flock if anyone is interested.
Hey everyone! Been a while and wanted to say HELLO!!!! I have been up in Lincoln again and have left Mumma to tend to the flock. We have had a bit of a problem and I am hoping that you can direct me to the right answer.

All of our girls have been laying like mad, and we love it! 13 hens, at least 12 eggs a day. Before I left for this job, I moved the fount from the meat bird pen to the layer pen, one less chore for my beautiful lady to have to tend to. She sent me some pictures last night and today of VERY small eggs...When I was home over the weekend, they seemed happy, clucking and following me around like they always have. What would cause this sudden change? I think there is enough daylight still, and they are still nesting and even broody when I open the boxes.

I hate to think that I have chicks with separation anxiety, but...

Any ideas or help would be great!

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