Maintenance De-Wormers

Do you eat your chickens' eggs? I believe that when you use dewormers, there is a two-week waiting period before you can eat the eggs again. I could be wrong - I personally don't believe in medicating if I don't see a problem, so I really don't know.
Sometimes people actually see worms in the chickens' feces. If you're concerned, I think you can take a fecal sample in to the vet and have it checked. Other than that, I really don't know.
I only de-worm if i see worms present in poo. In some areas, vet services are either pants and / or too expensive. I use a broad spectrum de-wormer - some of which do not have a withdrawal period for egg consumption.

The only worm you're probably going to see in feces is round worm, everything else is microscopic-invisible to the naked eye.

Instead of regular de-worming....regular fecal testing,
by someone/someplace that will give you an accurate reading on what is present and how much of it is present.

Lots of wormers you'll read about being used on chickens are off label(so no accurate withdrawal periods established) or actually banned from use on poultry.

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