Make me feel better- show me your eye-sore coopsadded pics-page 5

We are currently building a new coop but this is the little shanty my chickens have been living in. This was a hand me down coop from friends of ours. They built a bigger one so we inherited this one. My dh and ds built the run. Pretty nice, huh




Well... here ya' go...


The inside-the long view


The right end. The back part is covered with an old sheet of wood that had been lying in the yard since we moved in 6 years ago.


The door before I added a few more latches.



The bird- blissfuly unaware that their house isn't as fancy as some.

Iput hardware cloth over the fencing for the "roof". Next week I am going to go to a co workers house and scrounge through the leftovers from their remodel. If I don't find wood for the roof I'll buy some. I need to work on the perches, add some more and attach them so they can roost on the flat side. I also want to place boards around the bottom on the inside to keep the shavings in.
Most of the coops posted here are just "rustic" not eye-sores! Alas, in the past I've lived in places where such creative uses of recycled materials were the norm, but where I live now the neighbors would have a hissy fit if anything wasn't Martha Stewart perfect.

One of the extremely fun threads that prompted me to join this forum was the ugly coop contest. Again, most of the coops there were just rustic, but there were a few that were real... interesting.
Sorry, I do not mean to hi jack here…but

Darlin’ I just got here and read your post. My heart goes out to you. I am not an experienced builder either. Neither am I very strong. I always did plan on having chickens…but I did not plan on getting old and having a stroke.

I got my four chicks in March. In May, I had a “small” stroke and was schedule for immediate surgery. I live by myself…who was going to take care of my babies? They were still in the house and rapidly out growing their brooder.

So before surgery…I quickly slammed together a Fort Knox for them. I, by myself…me ….and… I all by my lonesome.

It’s not that anyone else wouldn’t help….they were just all working and had their own families to worry about. They were kind enough to come over every day to check on my flock and feed my other animals and that was a god send for me. I had food and water already setup for the birds, all they had to do was count four little heads and report to me that they were still alive.
I was in the hospital for more than a week.

I have raccoons here in the city and I had to make sure that my four girls were safe when I would not be here. Fortunately, I guess I did "good" because this has worked very well ever since.

The “PEN”, it “ain’t” pretty. But money and strength are very scare right now, however we do prevail.

I let my sweet big fat butt girls out every morning. They crack me up. People think that chickens are stupid and not very smart…ohhhhhh…but they are. Because of my unconventional building method…they have to enter from the top of a two-foot high run and not a side entrance.

The last few nights as the sun slowly sets in the west….my little darlings come to the back door to harass me. It is about six o’clock and they want to go to “bed”. It’s night-night time and they are tired and want to go to the safe place to sleep. When I go outside, I find Jessie, the Jersey Giant, clucking to herself and pacing back and forth in the pen. There is no food or water in there yet until I set it up for the night. “She” is ready for bed.

I go outside and start putting the water and food back in the pen. Then Binkie and Sheba, who are both Australorps, run and get in the pen with Jessie. Lazy little Morgan, my Partridge Cochin, also known as Miss fuzzy “feets”, wants me to lift her up and “put” her in the pen. Once in the pen, they all stand there looking up at me for the “treats” that they know are coming. I have to watch all this and keep the giggles to myself. What good babies I have.

I intend to upgrade their “digs” and I will try to make it look as nice as I can. However, their safety is my first concern. Soon they will be able to walk and enter the pen from ground level and not have to jump in from the top.

I wish you the best of luck on your building efforts.

:clapGod bless you!!!
Hi my coop was an old lean tube for a pony that was falling apart.


This thing was in really bad shape.


Im no carpender but it came out ok I know its ugly But I had a blast fixing it up LOL

The kids and there friends help so it was like a family project.


Its dry ,safe and keeps them happy. I got alot of the wood free from pallets and dump runs .

One mans junk is another mans treasure


Im not ashamed of it at all . The coop was fun but now thinking of a secon one for next year to rotate them. Of cource i want more LOL
I love it... a thread about ugly coops!

Well, I saw the ugliest coop in the world while I was browsing the internets. I bookmarked it because it was so bad:


That person should be ashamed... and to think she/he would post it online for others to see... ugh


It was built out of scrap wood on hand and meant to be a temporary coop until I built my DREAM coop. Well, that was 5 years ago.

My problem are:

1) It "functions" fine... it's just as ugly as all get out.
2) With all the new chicken coop designs posted on BYC I get more and more ideas of what my coop should look like and do. I want it to be perfect in every way, so I become paralyzed and don't do anything.
3) I could just buy a great looking coop or pay someone to build it, but I really want the satisfaction of doing it myself.

Some day I will build the perfect coop... some day!!!

I would have thought that you of all people would have a super spiffy coop!
That's stinkin' hilarious that yours is redneck, I mean, green like ours!

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