Make your own - No waste - 5 gallon (25# feed) bucket feeder for about $3

IT'S A VERY SAD DAY TODAY..............

Yesterday when we got home we found a notice on the door from the township letting us know that we couldn't have our chickens any longer. We weren't in compliance with the zoning for farm animals since we live in a subdivision and don't have enough land to be within the ordinance. We hade a very nice coop that I built with an enclosed run were they couldn't get out and they were very quiet too.

Last year in March we got our first 3 chicks for my son who was 3 years old at the time. Within a few weeks we got 2 more. Our 5 chickens gave us eggs almost every day once they started. This spring we got 3 more and they are growing up great. Probably would lay eggs near the end of July, but we won't get to see that now.

Our 4 year old son is very sad to see his pets (who each have a name) go. He fed them scratch each day as dad collected the eggs. It's hard explaining to a 4 year old that he won't see his "chicken nuggets" anymore.

What a shame........ and it's all because of a neighbor 3 houses down decided to call the township on us because I didn't appreciate a cat being allowed to run around my yard and use the bathroom, come in my garage, and kill the baby birds living in our trees.

Terrible that people can be such jerks and do things that make a small innocent child loose his pets.

It was great finding this website and all the things I learned on it and the things I got to share. Made friends with some of you and had a great time telling our chicken stories..... But I guess that's all done now. We have to have them cleared out in the next few days.

Wish for my little boy there was some way to keep them, but I'm sure we can't.

Thanks again everyone! Happy chicken keeping to you!
why give up? Go to the next council meeting and request a variance. .. you may have to do some research and prep work but it will be worth it if you are successful. ... good luck!
why give up? Go to the next council meeting and request a variance. .. you may have to do some research and prep work but it will be worth it if you are successful. ... good luck!

Thank you for the thoughts, but that's okay. Unfortunately we got rid of our 8 chickens that we loved last weekend........... so it's water under the bridge now. These were our pets and we all loved them, but it's time to move on.

Thank you though.
Okay, I built mine yesterday with two ports for feeding. I ran into some problems that I am wondering how you overcame. First, Home Depot didn't have the 3 1/2" street elbow with a lip. The ones they had were smooth. Where did you find them with the lip? This led to problem #2 I think. Second, the pvc glue seemed to have no effect. There wasn't enough surface area without the lip. Instead, I used lots of silicone. I am not sure that it is going to be as secure as it would be if it was glued.
Next time I build one I am considering using epoxy. Maybe you can discuss ways to deal with the street elbow with no lip like the one in your picture just in case someone else has a hard time finding it like I did.
I used gorilla glue. I just put some around the entire opening and spun the pvc around a few times to get a good even coat. After letting it expands and cure for about 4 hours, it was nice a tight.

Gorilla glue is available at and home store or hardware store.
my home depot has the street elbow but you could use a regular one and a 2 inch pice of pipe i think lowes also has street elbows pliming supply places hardware stores some ranch supply stores i call cowboy k mart i made mine from street elbow and did not glue at all slid on tight and not loosed up yet
I found street elbows... I couldn't find the one with the lip. The whole I cut was 3 1/2" like the directions said with a whole cutter on the drill. It was snug but not enough to secure it in place. I guess I am looking for the tricks tthat made it just right...
I could not find 3 1/2" pvc elbows, so I got 2" elbows will that be too small for their heads to fit into?

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