Making a breed for 5 years now, need a tester, will cream eggs work?

I just arranged for tests to be run in Germany on @20 of my chickens to see which are heterozygous and which homozygous for the blue egg gene at a cost of $30 per test. While test matings are a viable way to find O/O birds, the cost of running these tests is low enough and will save enough time that I can justify the expense. You might consider doing likewise given the time you could save.

I have 5 roosters and estimate that 1 is O/O, 2 are O/o, and 2 are o/o. For my hens, all have been laying for several months and are known to lay blue eggs. Based on egg color, I think 4 or them are O/O and the rest O/o. Just getting rid of the o/o roosters will make a dramatic improvement in numbers of blue egg chicks in the next generation.
Thats cool

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