Malay thread

Ok please send me a message with the subject being "MALAY EGGS" that way I can keep track of the individual wanting them for May 2015
Here is my Malay pair I got the other day. The stag is wheaten and 10 months old. The hen is red pyle and a little over a year old. She has been pecking at his feathers. I have ordered some chicken glasses for her so I hope that will make her stop.

I went out to feed my chickens today and my grand son ran up ahead of me to my Malay pen. He starts screaming papaw, papaw, come here quick, your rooster is biting a snake! I ran over to the pen and my Malay stag was attacking a 3 1/2ft king snake that wandered into his pen. Well I went and saved the snake before he killed it. My daughter loves snakes so I caught it and gave it to her. A mouse wandered into the pen yesterday and it did not last very long either. They had a tug of war over it. I was going to take a picture of one of my bantam hens beside of him for comparison but as soon as I walked in to the pen he ran over and attacked the little hen in my hands. So pretty much anything that wanders into that pen is a gonner. He is definitely on the game side and has claimed that pen as his territory.
I have never raised Malay before. My hens sits on her eggs in the egg box and guards her eggs at night and my stags sleeps with her in it and guards her. She is not setting yet. She only has 3 eggs but each night since the first egg she has laid she has sat on the egg and guarded it at night. Is this normal for Malays? None of my other oriental fowl has done this.
I have never raised Malay before. My hens sits on her eggs in the egg box and guards her eggs at night and my stags sleeps with her in it and guards her. She is not setting yet. She only has 3 eggs but each night since the first egg she has laid she has sat on the egg and guarded it at night. Is this normal for Malays? None of my other oriental fowl has done this.
I have had 4 Malay chicks hatch out so far today. 3 pyles after mama and 1 color from papa. One did not make it. The hen crushed it. Malays are bad for that.
Hey there everybody. I've been looking for some Malay for a while, but I have not found any birds in my area. Is there anyone here who's going to be at the Ohio National this year? I plan on flying out to see it, and I'm hopeful I may be able to purchase a young or adult pair, any color. Preferably from an NPIP flock, since that will make the documentation required for entry into my home state much simpler.
Hi McCrook,
Does the chicken glass work? Would you take some pix and show us how it works. Thanks

I can't actually show you because I put all I had on my birds. I got mine off of Ebay and they came with a set of pliers. The pliers spread them open and a couple of little slits on them went through their nostrils to hold them on. It was real simple to put them on the birds. They seem to be working. I put them on my birds around a month ago. The feathers are starting to grow back on them now. It seems to have stopped or at least slowed down the pecking.
Before the glasses.

After the glasses. Feathers finally starting to grow back. Less picking.

Here are the pliers you use to put them on with.

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