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The latest additions to my small serama flock I am up to 10 now
3 sweet little babies


OMGoodness -

You don't need those three, send them to me!

They look like triplets! lol
Oh no. That's terrible. It's been said that the very small ones that survive have fertility issues and shortened life spans. It stands to reason that many of them would have problems beyond that. I don't know about chickens but its often the case with runts from other species. They are often missing organs and have other issues equally horrible.

That is what I was thinking too. These little guys will be kept as pets and given as long and happy of life as possible (I have other special needs chickens) but I really hate to see the difficulties. It seems like everyone wants mini everything now and the animal's health is suffering for it. I like my class C and D Seramas.

This is her right after hatching, all seemed fine.

This is her today eating her eggs. She has a strong will to live so I'm going to give it to her. She looks all dirty because she took a belly flop into her yogurt yesterday


Dang I sure wished you live closer to me, I would take her in s heartbeat. I am a sucker for special needs and the underdog. Such an adorable face on her! [ not too worry, Zepher is still my fav]
p.s. ya sure you don't want to move back here to southern CA...
Oh no. That's terrible. It's been said that the very small ones that survive have fertility issues and shortened life spans. It stands to reason that many of them would have problems beyond that. I don't know about chickens but its often the case with runts from other species. They are often missing organs and have other issues equally horrible.

That is what I was thinking too. These little guys will be kept as pets and given as long and happy of life as possible (I have other special needs chickens) but I really hate to see the difficulties. It seems like everyone wants mini everything now and the animal's health is suffering for it. I like my class C and D Seramas.

This is her right after hatching, all seemed fine.

This is her today eating her eggs. She has a strong will to live so I'm going to give it to her. She looks all dirty because she took a belly flop into her yogurt yesterday


WOW those are some cutie pies!!!

They look GREAT!
I would think it would depend on what temps they are used to and have been living with. Mine are living inside this winter, so can't really tell you what to do.

Also depends on what kind of shelter they have.

Would the sleeve of my sweater count as shelter? Thats where my 2month old likes to spend her evenings.
My 2 girls have never known any weather colder than 60, outside that is, they be REAL spoiled.
That is what I was thinking too. These little guys will be kept as pets and given as long and happy of life as possible (I have other special needs chickens) but I really hate to see the difficulties. It seems like everyone wants mini everything now and the animal's health is suffering for it. I like my class C and D Seramas.

This is her right after hatching, all seemed fine.

This is her today eating her eggs. She has a strong will to live so I'm going to give it to her. She looks all dirty because she took a belly flop into her yogurt yesterday


Dang I sure wished you live closer to me, I would take her in s heartbeat. I am a sucker for special needs and the underdog. Such an adorable face on her! [ not too worry, Zepher is still my fav]
p.s. ya sure you don't want to move back here to southern CA...

Aww thank you
Coming back to Southern CA would be wonderful...maybe someday actually. I think after the weather up here I could almost put up with all the people and craziness down there

You're like me, I can't resist the ones who need help. I have 5 others like that now - all full grown - so this is nothing new, just always heartbreaking. I'm happy to report that almost 1 week later, she is still fighting and still living. She isn't catching onto the whole eating/drinking thing in her cage but I won't give up. Right now I'm just trying to get her fattened up. She had a bath last night so it once again fluffy
I'm also happy to report that the leg problem on the other one has been fixed and so has the digestive tract problem on the third one. They are still in the "invalid" cage but they are doing great. Two down, one to go!

I'll get a photo of Zephyr for you later. He almost has all his head feathers now. I'd like to know if others think he is really he too.
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

My 5 Serama eggs are going into lockdown tomorrow evening. They're due Sunday.

So exciting! Good luck with your hatch, can't wait to see the little fluffies
Dang I sure wished you live closer to me, I would take her in s heartbeat. I am a sucker for special needs and the underdog. Such an adorable face on her! [ not too worry, Zepher is still my fav]
p.s. ya sure you don't want to move back here to southern CA...

Aww thank you
Coming back to Southern CA would be wonderful...maybe someday actually. I think after the weather up here I could almost put up with all the people and craziness down there

You're like me, I can't resist the ones who need help. I have 5 others like that now - all full grown - so this is nothing new, just always heartbreaking. I'm happy to report that almost 1 week later, she is still fighting and still living. She isn't catching onto the whole eating/drinking thing in her cage but I won't give up. Right now I'm just trying to get her fattened up. She had a bath last night so it once again fluffy
I'm also happy to report that the leg problem on the other one has been fixed and so has the digestive tract problem on the third one. They are still in the "invalid" cage but they are doing great. Two down, one to go!

I'll get a photo of Zephyr for you later. He almost has all his head feathers now. I'd like to know if others think he is really he too.

OH BOY, Can't wait to see more fuzzy-butt pictures!
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