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Take pictures of each of them individually, in good light, and then get them again in three months. That way, you'll have documentation on what those colors of chick down turn out to be. I'm guessing that the striped one will be some kind of silver duckwing or silver ginger, and the other two will be some version of wheaten.

The problem is you can have a black chick that can turn out wheaten when its an adult so its tough to tell what ya have until they are at least 6 months old. I had a roo that hatched out solid white (not yellow) by 3 mo old he was a butterscotch color with black lacing, by 6 mo old he was the color of a salmon favorelle.....so now I dont even attempt to guess lol
Who do you think you are...Mr. BigStuff you're never gonna get OHH can't remember the words



when/if i go to vet school in Missouri i want to have two Seramas that will be my pets and have one of those huge parrot cages to live in when im at school and when the weather is bad! lol,
NAW, yer not crazy, unless I am too?

WOW, they purr when they sleep!?! I am profoundly hard of hearing so I can only feel the purring when I am holding/ touching her. I am getting a cochlear implant in January so I hope I will be able to hear this too!!!


Thank GOD!!! I though I was the only crazy
one that brought my seramas in at night, in my room!

I like to hear them Purr when they sleep.
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