MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!


Wanted to show you! He is like one of my children.
It is worth every penny! I plan on getting 4 when he is fully grown. They are washable, I hand wash it (and clean it some times 2 or 3 times a day).
I have a quick question how big dose a mallard get when fully grown and at what age is a mallard fully grown? Silas is almost 3 months old and seams small.
I can't believe I though my Mallards were Rouens. Now that I have other ducks, I can see how small they really are. Abba is 3 times their size, easily.

They're still laying eggs like crazy for me, though. Peek still lays an egg a day, faithfully. She's missed a couple of eggs in the past 4 months, but that's it... and most of that was the stress of the new ducks moving in.

Little Peek and Poke standing next to Harley... and she's the smallest out of the new ducks. Plus she's only 10 (11?) weeks old.

Here's little Peek next to Pepper. She's SO much littler than Pepper and Abba.
I'll ask here... Are there white mallards? Having boatloads of trouble identifying one of my girls. At first we thought call, but she doesn't meet any of the qualifications. Then I saw a headline here for white mallards. It's my avatar. Fully flighted, small but not squat, slender, light blue eggs (chicken sized) talkative when motivated.

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