MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

if its a dwarf mallard then its not a call duck. 
and eyes striped dont matter my line come from the the 1980s from wild mallards and ive had mallards with plenty of line to one one ling on there face. no there is nothing wrong with crossing them but you cannot claim to have a mallard of it is a call duck bred with a mallard, 

All domestic ducks that are Mallard colored are called Mallards with the exception of rouens. They are not called wild mallards, they are called domestic mallards. This is the mallard thread, it is not the wild mallard thread. By crossing Metzer Farm flying mallard bens and a mallard colored call drake i will most certainly get little mallard ducklings that will be pretty good flyers. They won't be wild mallards, they will most certainly be domestic mallards though, and they most certainly won't be rouens, so hence they certainly belong on this Mallard thread.

That black duck of yours , she most certainly is not a purebred wild strain mallard, regardless of what your vet said, he's wrong. She's a nice little domestic duck though, hope you have lots of fun with her.
Originally Posted by Tanichca
I have what I was told are mallard/call crosses- do those count? I love them to death!

Yep post away... never heard of that cross would love to see it!!

Here is a post from earlier in this thread by WaterfowlWierdo, the guy who started this thread, be says call/mallard crosses are welcome on this thread that he started, so anyone who is upset about my plans to cross my domestic mallard call drake on my domestic mallard Metzer Farms flying mallard hens, then maybe you should start your own thread, and not harass people posting about their domestic mallards/ flying mallards on this tbread.
Quote: i bred her myself so ........ yeah i kinda know what she is. she is domesticated, as in tamed but her mother and father were wild strain

and my vet is not wrong im sorry if you are not looking at the obvious here but if i bred her myself and her grand parents came from the wild, i owned nothing but mallards, from wild strain, rouens and muscovies and i bred her my self i think i can certainly say what she is your ducks are not pure bred mine are sorry if that bursts a bubble for you but im just saying i have pure bred ducks. not to mention the genetic test done which is correct proves all of my breeding i defiently know what she is.

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i bred her myself so ........ yeah i kinda know what she is. she is domesticated, as in tamed but her mother and father were wild strain

and my vet is not wrong im sorry if you are not looking at the obvious here but if i bred her myself and her grand parents came from the wild, i owned nothing but mallards, from wild strain, rouens and muscovies and i bred her my self i think i can certainly say what she is your ducks are not pure bred mine are sorry if that bursts a bubble for you but im just saying i have pure bred ducks. not to mention the genetic test done which is correct proves all of my breeding i defiently know what she is.

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Here's proof my ducks are not mutts or impure as has been suggested, they were purchased from Holderread's Waterfowl Farm, one of the most prestigeous and elite waterfowl breeders in the world, and that box is the 6 bird size. Some comments have been made about me and Walt Leonard's age well let me tell you a little story, when i was young, in my teens back in the 70's, i used to get my ducks by going to the park and collecting eggs and hatching them in my incubator at home, occasionally id see somebody dump ducks at the park, and i'd rescue them and take them home, got some really nice birds that way. But one nice thing about getting old and financially secure, i can afford to buy any duck i want anywhere in the country and have it shipped to my doorstep. I don't have to skulk around parks anymore to kidnap dumped ducks. Life is good :)
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Can anyone tell if this one duckling with 2 stripes is a mallard or a rouen? The other four have the single eye line with the extra black speck but on one has 2 lines. Supposed to be all mallards which "supposedly" came from the same hen. They all hatched together and are a week and three days old now. They all seem to be about the same size.

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