Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

No need to go to your corner @Blooie. I had the same thought when I read @SandyRiverChick's last post.

While I would use an old pad on myself, I wouldn't use it for an MHP. If there ARE any problem wires, I would notice it if the pad was on my back for a period of time. No way I would notice anything was wrong if it were in some other room, or in your case and mine, outside where it is unseen other than a few times a day. Mine is currently sitting out in the community nest box set on #2 (of 6) under a dishtowel to keep they eggs laid from freezing.

So my CX have been doing quite well except for a little transition stress, woke up at 6:30 and cheked on them and all was fine, by 9:30 I went out to check again and 7 were flat out laying lifeless. it was a bit shocking. I scooped them up and got them inside to see if any would come back, only 2 revived. I'm not sure what happened except I am brooding outside, north face of a hill, great for summer but apparently it's more damp and cold than they can handle in the first day or so. I'll have to make a few notes for course correction next time.
Were the chicks not going into their cave? What does your setup look like? You mention damp and cold. It might help us make suggestions if you put your general location in your profile.
Not real sure what happened there. @Birdinhand is an experienced MHP user, Bruce, so I'm pretty sure that the setup and such wasn't the issue. I think I'm just going to be patient and wait for updates and posts when (and if) the mystery is solved. Could well be that the location had something to do with the losses, but since at this point it could be other things my eyes are open and my yap is shut! Otherwise it just takes me too doggone long to extricate my size 10 foot! :lau
Not real sure what happened there. @Birdinhand is an experienced MHP user, Bruce, so I'm pretty sure that the setup and such wasn't the issue. I think I'm just going to be patient and wait for updates and posts when (and if) the mystery is solved. Could well be that the location had something to do with the losses, but since at this point it could be other things my eyes are open and my yap is shut! Otherwise it just takes me too doggone long to extricate my size 10 foot! :lau

I think it's a simple reality of it being a good ten degrees colder than usual, they went straight outside and had to learn the ropes of a nipple waterer, the heating pad ins and outs. It was about 30 degrees and I guess they got up ran outside for food and water and some just got overcome with cold. the two that I revived are now just fine, so i'm pretty sure this is purely a temperature issue.
Oh geeze, THANK YOU for the warning. I confess, I've been reading here and there but I guess not enough, I didn't see this warning on old heating pads. Then again this thread is looooooooooooong so maybe it wasn't about my attention span. Anyhow, I will not mess around, I'll keep that sucker employed for my baby seedlings and I'll Amazon Prime a new pad for the MHP right now. Totally appreciate!! Imagine if you have just saved me from a fire, get on top of that chair!!! Thank you, thank you!
Oh geeze, THANK YOU for the warning. I confess, I've been reading here and there but I guess not enough, I didn't see this warning on old heating pads. Then again this thread is looooooooooooong so maybe it wasn't about my attention span. Anyhow, I will not mess around, I'll keep that sucker employed for my baby seedlings and I'll Amazon Prime a new pad for the MHP right now. Totally appreciate!! Imagine if you have just saved me from a fire, get on top of that chair!!! Thank you, thank you!

No problem, it’s a big thread and this time of year it seems to grow daily! If you’d rather not wait for Amazon, the Sunbeam X-Press Heat heating pads - the one most of use - are usually available at Walmart as well as many major pharmacy chains. Whatever you get, be absolutely sure that it either doesn’t shut off automatically after a couple of hours, or one that, like the X-Press Heat, allow you to turn off the automatic shutoff feature. Glad I didn’t upset you. There can be a bit of a learning curve with this because the thread is so large, but when in doubt either go to the very first post where I first described the build, or to page 46, about halfway down, for @Beekissed’s clear photos and description of how she sets hers up. She was my mentor, and she’s been doing this longer than I have. It’s the only change I have made in mine, but I raised 7 batches of chicks before I changed it.

@Birdinhand, sounds like the most reasonable thing. So relieved that the other 2 revived! And I’m glad you shared what happened. Every single thing we do share helps someone else. Now get your chin up, my friend, and keep going!
Hello, everyone!
I just wanted to pop in to give a huge thank you to everyone on this thread, especially @Blooie , for the fantastic work, info, and adaptions on this method of chick-rearing. After much research, I decided to use the MHP method with my current batch of chicks, and although I've only had them for a day and a half I am absolutely sold. They're quiet at night and active during the day, and they're calmer, happier, and healthier than any other chicks I've had. So far I've had no pasting issues, and they were almost completely silent last night. It's more natural, cheaper, easier, and much less stressful for me and the chicks. Thank you so much, everyone, for all the ideas and suggestions you've posted over the years- this thread and this idea have proved invaluable, and I'm so glad I stumbled across it.
Many thanks! :)

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