Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

So long as they have a predator safe sheltered area you can let them outside as soon as they are feathered out and can control their own body temperature. Actually this is the best way as they can build up their feathers/down as needed while the temps drop rather than having to do so all of a sudden.
Thanks FlyWheel, that's the plan. At what age would you say, are they usually feathered out enough to go outside? They'll be in a fully predator proofed coop and run.
What @SunHwaKwon said

If you are using the MHP, all they need is that weather proof (ie no rain or wind on them) space. They are usually fully feathered by 4 weeks. @FlyWheel 's comment was for birds that have been raised inside and are going outside without any added heat since they don't need it once they are fully feathered.
I move mine outside at three days. I'm over the whole brooding in the house thing. I run an electrical cord out to the coop with a mama heating pad set up. Done.
Lol, this cracked me up. :) I'm definitely on board with that plan. I'll get them out as soon as the coop is finished (should be another week) and the run area is protected from wind and rain. Extension cord + MHP + plastic weatherproofing. No other chickens to worry about this time. It's all new for me. Thanks so much!
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What @SunHwaKwon
 said ;)

If you are using the MHP, all they need is that weather proof (ie no rain or wind on them) space. They are usually fully feathered by 4 weeks. @FlyWheel
 's comment was for birds that have been raised inside and are going outside without any added heat since they don't need it once they are fully feathered.
Thank you so much! This is all very helpful. I think I've got a good idea now. I appreciate it!
Well, my babies are babies no more. I posted my EE pics several days ago, here are my Black Sex Link's. They are 18 weeks old this week and one of them laid their first egg yesterday!! I'm so glad. No more store bought eggs!!

I'm really surprised at the varied coloring of the BSL. I have some that are almost all black,some that have a lot of red & a lot in between.

They do eat a lot though. They eat twice as much feed as my EE's do.

It looks so little next to a large store egg.

Well, my babies are babies no more. I posted my EE pics several days ago, here are my Black Sex Link's. They are 18 weeks old this week and one of them laid their first egg yesterday!! I'm so glad. No more store bought eggs!!

I'm really surprised at the varied coloring of the BSL. I have some that are almost all black,some that have a lot of red & a lot in between.

They do eat a lot though. They eat twice as much feed as my EE's do.

It looks so little next to a large store egg.

Just before they start laying, they really burn through the feed. Once they start laying, you'll notice a drop in how much they eat.
Well, my babies are babies no more. I posted my EE pics several days ago, here are my Black Sex Link's. They are 18 weeks old this week and one of them laid their first egg yesterday!! I'm so glad. No more store bought eggs!!

I'm really surprised at the varied coloring of the BSL. I have some that are almost all black,some that have a lot of red & a lot in between.

They do eat a lot though. They eat twice as much feed as my EE's do.

It looks so little next to a large store egg.

I believe you now need to change your screen name. Someone with laying hens isn't really henless are they?

Pullet eggs are small, they will increase in size over the next few months.

Since Black Sex Link is not a breed, they can be lots of different shades. It depends on what breeds were used to "make" them. And they won't breed true.

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