Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

I'm such a visual person, so seeing pictures is so very helpful!
It needs to be able to change as the chicks grow. I eyeballed it based on memory of previous chick size but it can easily be adjusted if I'm off. It's about 4" of clearance in front at center then sloped on 3 sides like a cave.

Will either of you be taking pictures of them? :D :pop
maybe. Fire Ant Farm is going to post pictures for me of her third one today on Sally's thread.
Just wanted to jump in and say my Wilco trip yesterday killed my chick self restraint and I brought home some new friends.

These are the first 'feed-store' chicks I've purchased- originally was going to mail-order for April but ... well, chicks.

So home they came - from under heat lamps at the store to the MHP here at home- and they slept. And slept. And slept. And slept. I actually had to go wake them up to have them eat and drink. I think they got their first taste of a quiet warm dark space to sleep and just collapsed. They are all healthy (so far) -- and today are all over the place as expected.

The "improvement" this time through is I zip-tied 2 racks for foil/saran wrap on cabinet doors, bent to fit the chicks, of course, with the heating pad in between - tightly enough that I can't get a fingernail under the wire portion. Some of the chicks are bigger than others, so I propped one side up on a 2x4 to make a taller side (not in the picture).

Just wanted to jump in and say my Wilco trip yesterday killed my chick self restraint and I brought home some new friends.

These are the first 'feed-store' chicks I've purchased- originally was going to mail-order for April but ... well, chicks.

So home they came - from under heat lamps at the store to the MHP here at home- and they slept. And slept. And slept. And slept. I actually had to go wake them up to have them eat and drink. I think they got their first taste of a quiet warm dark space to sleep and just collapsed. They are all healthy (so far) -- and today are all over the place as expected.

The "improvement" this time through is I zip-tied 2 racks for foil/saran wrap on cabinet doors, bent to fit the chicks, of course, with the heating pad in between - tightly enough that I can't get a fingernail under the wire portion. Some of the chicks are bigger than others, so I propped one side up on a 2x4 to make a taller side (not in the picture).

Oh, my! I am currently under self-imposed grounding from Wilco (which store did you go to?) for at least two more weeks because I don't want to torture myself looking at all the little fuzzbutts before I can bring any home with me.
Just got in touch with a local farmer that raises black copper Marans & lives only about 30 miles from me. They're having a hatch in March! Better get my brooder & mhp ready again!! Going for a colorful egg basket- already have green, brown, white & speckles from my wellies. Now on to the elusive blue egg...

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