Mama kicked the chickateers loose, it's sad :(

my broody hens are extremely stubborn...they wouldn't let their babies go until the babies were at least 3months old. As a matter of fact, they chicks seemed to be weaned when the CHICKS left their moms, not the other way around

My last broody just totally up and abandoned her babies (4months old) a week ago. Left the chick coop and went home to the main coop. A few days later, the chicks entered the big coop. She will peck them now, doesn't care about them one single bit. It's only a pair of chicks, a pullet & cockerel, and they stick so close's really sweet
GotChicken? :

I had a banty Polish who kicked her first brood (one chick) to the curb at 5 weeks - thank goodness another broody had chicks of similar age for the little one to hang with. After a while Mom would let the little one stay with her at night, and even let her little girl sleep with her in the nest box with her when she went broody again 2 weeks later. (!?!) However, a short time after, a mink got into the coop, and though it missed Mom in her box, it killed the chick. The brood she'd been setting on hatched 5 days later, and the Polish stuck to them like glue for FOUR months. Losing her first chick really got to her. Unfortunately, another pair a minks hit yesterday morning, and now the Polish and her second brood, along with all but one of my chickens, is gone.

GotChicken? :

I had a banty Polish who kicked her first brood (one chick) to the curb at 5 weeks - thank goodness another broody had chicks of similar age for the little one to hang with. After a while Mom would let the little one stay with her at night, and even let her little girl sleep with her in the nest box with her when she went broody again 2 weeks later. (!?!) However, a short time after, a mink got into the coop, and though it missed Mom in her box, it killed the chick. The brood she'd been setting on hatched 5 days later, and the Polish stuck to them like glue for FOUR months. Losing her first chick really got to her. Unfortunately, another pair a minks hit yesterday morning, and now the Polish and her second brood, along with all but one of my chickens, is gone.



Stinky mink!​

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