Man oh Man have I gotten myself into a pickle


The Great Guru of Yap
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
The Carpal Tunnel Rehab Center
BYC'ers friend me all the time on Facebook, and I accepted a request a while back and after the fact sent her a message. She sent a smile and "No, you don't know me". So today, she posts an invite in her status to the upcoming Spice of Life festival - HERE WHERE I LIVE. She has a website. OH MAN - she is running for city council!!!! A politician. My pickle is that I am the Clerk of the Board for Victor Valley Transit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot unfriend her!!! Now I have to be good on FACEBOOK TOO?????


ETA: please no one worry about me putting all this personal stuff out there - all you have to do is google my name - I'm first.
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I'd just un-friend her. She dosent really know you..
She dosent know what you do for work, or does she?
The ONLY way should would have found me is through VVTA..... I need to talk to my boss about it. There is a tenuous line between transit and the cities due to funding requirements.... ARGH!
Doesn't matter; Unfriend her whether she knows where you work or not. You didn't know who she was and you reserve friends for BYC and FRIENDS.

This is why I'm mean, and don't friend anyone unless they know a LOT of my friends or say they are from BYC or are a relative....
I wouldnt stress about it..
its your personal business..just un-friend her..
whats she gonna do? pout??
Hmm, either unfriend her or make a FB account with the name "The Masked Woman"
When you friend someone, they get an email notifying them of the request. When you unfriend someone, they do NOT get a notification. So unless she specifically goes looking for you in her friends list, she would never even notice. You can test this out by asking a close friend to unfriend you and see if you get a notification, but that has been my experience.

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