maran eggs ???? $100.00 for 12

Nice try, but:

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I definitely will need to go and think about raising my prices. HEHEHEHE... Thanks to hard work and care and blessings from God, we have high quality eggs and dark colors. Healthy birds raised in a chemical free environment ---- all our birds.

So I'm not posting this as an ad but if you are looking for some reasonable eggs and great blood lines, we've been blessed to have some and we've worked very hard with them.

When I retired from my full time desk job to transition to full time farming, I saved my dollars to buy baby chicks and even so had to wait for 10 months to get my baby chicks.....I only wish I had had more cash saved. Our birds are so healthy. Okay I cannot resist it, I'll share a photo. These are amazingly beautiful and highly productive birds. I was a little afraid that they might be "mean" birds as I once had a black marans that liked to bite me.....and so she was rehomed. But these are very nice temperament birds.


Thanks for letting me share my thoughts and show off some of the flock!Have a blessed day.

Have a blesed day
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I just got 5 cucko hens for $10 each with an EE hen and 4 EE/blk Orpington cross chick for free... one of my hens just laid an egg a tad it lighter then those... I'm happy with them... someday I'd love to add different colors and SQ birds, but I can buy allot o much needed groceries with that money, or a pair of shoes LOL I haven't had a new pair of barn boots in 6 years or a new pair of shoes in 3...

Martha keeps marans eggs on the counter behind her....Almost every show..... She had a show just on her chickens...Guess what?
Martha is Marans crazy just like the rest of us

Well, when I saw Martha's chickens (in their four slate-roofed coops) there were no Marans. She even discussed on her show the fact that she'd purchased her chicks from Murray McMurray, and had a listing of what she bought - there were no Marans on the list. Maybe since then (that was three years ago) she's got some Marans, but she's got white, beige, tan, brown, browner, blue and green eggs all the time, I've never seen any BCMs there - and I watch it every day.

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