Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Geebs: He is a gorgeous boy, especially in person. I know my bl copper girls wouldn't have kicked him out of the coop lol.

Cheryl, I don't remember about my wheatens but I have had blue copper girls that had either green or very dark eyes practically until they started squatting lol. I don't know if it a hormonal thing that kicked in and then they changed but that's how it played out.
RV =Reserve Variety, meaning second best in that color overall.

As a side note, maybe i missed the memo, but i know marans were qualifying at the Newnan show, but what colors are aiming to be recognized? I'm very partial to blues and splash and hope to have a nice flock of them, would be nice if they were recognized, but if they aren't it wont stop me from keeping them haha.
Wow... Mel...

Rooster version....

So glad you joined the forum!!! LOL

I think it is being discussed.. I think it really makes more sense to go with blues and blue coppers because they are off the black copper.. but that is just me... The wheatons do look pretty uniform.. It will likely be on of the two... Not so many ppl have whites and other colors... Who knows maybe cuckoo... I think it comes down to how many birds are shown etc... I will have to sit it out on the wheatons unless I submit eggs from the one and only girl I have... but she is pretty little yet... Jan first hatch...
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Pink where is Lenster???? He has full siblings to Newnan!!! I just remembered giving him a pair.. ha ha... I wonder if he knows they won???
Black coppers first into the APA? Cool. That makes me happy!

I believe my girls all liked their free range day yesterday. I got more eggs this morning than I have ever before. My little basket was running over! I let them all out again this morning right before I headed back to the house. I had about 30 chickens right on my heels following me back to the house. I felt like the pied piper. I sat down on a stump by the log splitter until they all got distracted scratching around then headed back up to the house.

I still want to put netting over the cage, but hey, Mel, I have my own mountains right here in Kansas to climb.

Right now I've conquered Mt. Dirtydishes. I've got a good start on Mt. St. Laundry. And if the weather holds (which I have been told it will not!) I'm going to try to scale Mt. St. Chickenpoo.
Ivy, you are lucky that Mt St. Chickenpoo doesn't do like our Mt. St. Helens did and blow up, spreading "Applesauce" for miles around! It is snowing lightly here...barely a trace on the ground...but that is supposed to change in about 6 hours!
Those cages probably have enough headroom for a Marans, but it is a good idea to buy a double coop to show a large chicken. Taking pics of chickens is not an easy thing to do and unless it is an excellent picture with the right kind of background, it can look a lot different than it is.
Never take a picture of anything when there is daylight coming through a door or window behind the subject. The camera will see that light and use that to determine the most cases. Because of that the subject will appear dark.


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