Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

How long can they stay in those brooders and how many do you put in each ?

Lisa, I run about 30 of the baby chicks in each brooder. Soon as they are growing good I move them to the larger 8'x 10 stalls with a heat light.

I have had the brooder box in 4' x 8' but like the 2' x 4' much better with smaller groups. Don
Hi and welcome to the Marans thread! I lucked out. My 5 pullets all started laying at 5 months, except for one slacker that started at almost 6 months. I've heard some folks on here say that they still had not gotten any eggs at 9 months!
I guess it differs from line to line, environment, feed, weather, and stress factors in there too. I think the early egg production should be bred for, if that is possible? To me, 10 months to wait for an egg is TOO LONG! That's a lot of feed with no production! JMHO

I'm so impressed that you are posting pics!! I knew once that smiley came, the pics would come eventually too!
Hows about posting some pics of your Wheatens?? Would love to see some.
almost 3 years of breeding and its 7 and 1/2 months to pol.with wheaten marans color
also time of year they come to pol
they could come to age at time of year when daylight is to little for laying eggs / or location plays a part
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Yes! I was afraid mine wouldn't start laying until spring, as it was coming on winter, and no eggs had been laid yet. If memory serves, which is an iffy thing, I believe I got my first egg around Thanksgiving. It was still pretty warm then, so that had a huge part in it, I'd wager. Mine are Black Coppers, by the way.
May have to do with mine being a cross of lines? Mine are: 3 Davis/Jeane and 2 Jeane/Presley. Are yours pure Davis, as in from Bev herself, or from a closed flock from someone you know that has Davis?

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