Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Been eyeballin' them myself for quite awhile. Got his website bookmarked!
I also like the Blue Laced Red Wyandottes...oh, what's a poor girl to do???
do like me...and build more pens!!! I really do hope that you can find someone that is reliable to build you some pens! No more of these not following through guys for you! Let me find you the pic link of the pen design I'm going to using and modifying a bit to fit my space allowance. I am hoping to end up with about 10 of these decent size pens and a few half size or less one for individual breeding pens or trios. I also have to finish my hatching room before winter as well as hopefully get my chick runs with little buildings finished before winter. If not, I might build them in the garage one by one and then move them outside. I want to do raised ones so for the first little while so they are up off the ground to protect them from cocci. That's my general practice with all my chicks and have never had a only problem now is with expanding my breeds I don't have enough pens for when I have birds growing out. If I get a BLR cockerel I might have some for you at some point!

ETA: here's that link for the pen pics
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Yes, please send me that design link! Right now, with the shed conversion on hold, I'm hard pressed to put another coop. My little cheapo coop for the Silkies will be here Friday, so I've got to get a move on. More 100* weather for the next couple of days doesn't help me. My backyard is small compared to the front. I've got a pasture that is probably 100' x 75' in the front yard, and it's starting to look like the last frontier.
Really don't want to go that route though, as it is nearer the road and nosy people driving by. Plus it's on a sloping hill, far away from the water hydrant, and I want to run some sheep in there. I have to keep telling myself to just stay as I am with the two breeds, I really can't afford any more, in money, energy, and time!

I've not had any cocci here yet, and hopefully won't. Chicks get brooded in the shop room off the main house.
do like me...and build more pens!!! I really do hope that you can find someone that is reliable to build you some pens! No more of these not following through guys for you! Let me find you the pic link of the pen design I'm going to using and modifying a bit to fit my space allowance. I am hoping to end up with about 10 of these decent size pens and a few half size or less one for individual breeding pens or trios. I also have to finish my hatching room before winter as well as hopefully get my chick runs with little buildings finished before winter. If not, I might build them in the garage one by one and then move them outside. I want to do raised ones so for the first little while so they are up off the ground to protect them from cocci. That's my general practice with all my chicks and have never had a only problem now is with expanding my breeds I don't have enough pens for when I have birds growing out. If I get a BLR cockerel I might have some for you at some point!

ETA: here's that link for the pen pics

Interesting set up, for colder weather it would have to be enclosed alot more! Of course I looked through the birds they work with and this is all I can say

Good luck with getting your pens added, I know what you mean about room, we had that talk with the kids as what we needed to do so we can set up for hatching come Jan!
do like me...and build more pens!!! I really do hope that you can find someone that is reliable to build you some pens! No more of these not following through guys for you! Let me find you the pic link of the pen design I'm going to using and modifying a bit to fit my space allowance. I am hoping to end up with about 10 of these decent size pens and a few half size or less one for individual breeding pens or trios. I also have to finish my hatching room before winter as well as hopefully get my chick runs with little buildings finished before winter. If not, I might build them in the garage one by one and then move them outside. I want to do raised ones so for the first little while so they are up off the ground to protect them from cocci. That's my general practice with all my chicks and have never had a only problem now is with expanding my breeds I don't have enough pens for when I have birds growing out. If I get a BLR cockerel I might have some for you at some point!

ETA: here's that link for the pen pics

Interesting set up, for colder weather it would have to be enclosed alot more! Of course I looked through the birds they work with and this is all I can say

Good luck with getting your pens added, I know what you mean about room, we had that talk with the kids as what we needed to do so we can set up for hatching come Jan!

I agree with needing to modify it for colder weather. I like this basic building method for the bones of what I want to build. Its pretty efficient with the use of materials which I really like. I plan on making the back wall solid and putting in some small rooms they can go into in the winter and I'll keep the laying boxes in their as well. I'll probably 'stilt' them and attach them to two of the posts for stability and give them a little plank to walk up to it. That way they still have all the space in the bottom of the pen for roaming etc. I will probably put plastic up over the outside of the pens as well. That shouldn't take too much work as I have plenty of plastic on hand for that. All I know is that it will give me more flexibility than I have now. I always dread winter.
Ok...this is my favorite splash girl so far. She is from my own cross, not hatching eggs, so I am pleased with how she is turning out. She is just so sweet that she is the low girl on the todem pole, hence the teensy tail. She is growing it back finally as the pen I did have her with just never accepted her. She is much happier in with Gigantor and his other buddies. Her eyes really are a nice orange...I had a hard time getting the camera to pick it up since I was under the shade of a bunch of trees. Isn't she a butterball? her back is a bit shorter than I'd like, but I have a very long backed cockerel that I am going to try her with and see what I get.



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Interesting set up, for colder weather it would have to be enclosed alot more! Of course I looked through the birds they work with and this is all I can say

Good luck with getting your pens added, I know what you mean about room, we had that talk with the kids as what we needed to do so we can set up for hatching come Jan!

I agree with needing to modify it for colder weather. I like this basic building method for the bones of what I want to build. Its pretty efficient with the use of materials which I really like. I plan on making the back wall solid and putting in some small rooms they can go into in the winter and I'll keep the laying boxes in their as well. I'll probably 'stilt' them and attach them to two of the posts for stability and give them a little plank to walk up to it. That way they still have all the space in the bottom of the pen for roaming etc. I will probably put plastic up over the outside of the pens as well. That shouldn't take too much work as I have plenty of plastic on hand for that. All I know is that it will give me more flexibility than I have now. I always dread winter.

I think keeping them dry and giving them someplace to get out of the wind is important- especially with our weather, we have runs inside and outside, this past winter we ended up keeping the birds inside on cold/wet days and the inside runs seemed to work out well. You'll have to post some pictures as you work on building!
I agree with needing to modify it for colder weather. I like this basic building method for the bones of what I want to build. Its pretty efficient with the use of materials which I really like. I plan on making the back wall solid and putting in some small rooms they can go into in the winter and I'll keep the laying boxes in their as well. I'll probably 'stilt' them and attach them to two of the posts for stability and give them a little plank to walk up to it. That way they still have all the space in the bottom of the pen for roaming etc. I will probably put plastic up over the outside of the pens as well. That shouldn't take too much work as I have plenty of plastic on hand for that. All I know is that it will give me more flexibility than I have now. I always dread winter.

I think keeping them dry and giving them someplace to get out of the wind is important- especially with our weather, we have runs inside and outside, this past winter we ended up keeping the birds inside on cold/wet days and the inside runs seemed to work out well. You'll have to post some pictures as you work on building!

I couldn't agree with you more about keeping them dry and out of the wind! It gets pretty nasty here as we don't have anything blocking those nasty north winds. I always cover the windows and the open ends of the stalls where some of my breeding pens are with this thicker mL plastic and it works like a charm. So, I'm thinking with my modifications and the small inner building they will keep safe and dry. I'm still in sketch mode at the moment as I'm trying to figure up just how much cement I'm going to need and also am working on emptying out my temp. pens in the space where these will go. I'll get there...even if it kills me

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