Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

You could candle that egg again in a few days to see if there is any growth. Chances are, if it's not close to the rest of them, it's a quitter, but I'd candle again to be sure. Or, if you are like me, I can't see much in my Marans eggs, so mark it, and put it in a spot in the bator where you can watch it closely for any ooze or stink. I have yet to have one explode in the bator, but it can happen!


It looked like it was maybe a third of the size of the rest, so I'm pretty sure it quit. I am going to go thru them again in a couple of days and see what's happening. If it's still the same I'll pull it out.
Wish we had a Sam's Club or Cosco out here, we are so deprived! My second Silkie broody started this morning...and so it begins!

I'm so JEALOUS!!! I am SO looking forward to filling a pen with broody Silkie incubators ..... <sigh>

I saw that you managed to get a picture to upload in 20 minutes. I hope that means we will get LOADS more pictures ....
Thought I would post some current pictures of my two prize girls (to me, at any rate) ... at 20 weeks ... I couldn't be more thrilled. They are over-melanized at this point but beyond that, I think they're perfect!

There are two of them and I still can't tell them apart unless I study their toes ....
(one has short outside toes .... )
Well, another couple of broody wannabes!!
I seperated the Silkies by color today, but before I did, I noticed both girls were off their nest. They had 2 eggs between them! So now that they have more room, and once they get settled, maybe they will start up again? One is in the new pen. One more pen to build for them to get the Whites seperate, and I'll be done with the Silkies, then it's on to the Wheaten coop and run...
Thought I would post some current pictures of my two prize girls (to me, at any rate) ... at 20 weeks ... I couldn't be more thrilled. They are over-melanized at this point but beyond that, I think they're perfect!

There are two of them and I still can't tell them apart unless I study their toes ....
(one has short outside toes .... )

I love their fluffy thighs! I thought I had girls with vulture hocks at one point but now that the ones I thought might have it are a little older, I think they look like this...with big bloomers. lol So cute!

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