Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

What color are they - yellow?

I forgot to get pics of the blue band roo and the free ranger boy.....oops!
Thanks Cad! And I like your boys!

Vicki~ No, I only ordered one dozen. What a nice guy! Thanks Rodney if you're out there looking in!

WOW! That's fantastic and very generous! I've been thinking about those eggs non stop since I paid for them. Hopefully in the next week or two I'll get some here! We won't be hatching at the same time, but it sure will be fun to compare what we get to hatch and see how they grow out!
Thanks, Pink!

Think any are roo material?

Congrats on a 100% increase on your eggie order!!
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Got some action in the 'bator.....Barnies, Marans and BLRW's. Just a couple pips each breed but old as some of these eggs were, I'll take it.
What color are they - yellow?

I forgot to get pics of the blue band roo and the free ranger boy.....oops!
they are yellow and black or yellow and silvery black. They are fat little suckers. And the cuckoo chicks that came with them to fill out the order look good too. I think I might have someone that might want these cuckoos....esp since I just sold out of the cuckoos I had. haha

I'll get some pics probably in the morning. They are already heading off to sleepyville after stuffing their faces!
Thanks Katelyn!
Oh and yes her ear-lobe color came back. This photo was taken just after she started laying, so she was only approx. 5.5 and 6 mos. old. I kept her until she was approx. 1.5 years old. Her lobe color was nice and red when she went to live at her new home. She was the nicest BCM I had here, too bad she had light egg color and carried carnation comb genetics.
Very nice! I am jealous, currently looking for some "quality" silver Birchens to start my flock with.
Thank you!
PM me your information and I will get you in touch with Mr. Reeves. He is a very nice man. Very dedicated to his birds. I will do business with him again. Love his roosters!

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