Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Question - At what age are folks harvesting cull roo/cockerels for the table? I have a couple of Splash cockerels that need to go to freezer camp, but I am unsure what the optimal age would be with cull Marans.

Any guidance would be great...
Question - At what age are folks harvesting cull roo/cockerels for the table? I have a couple of Splash cockerels that need to go to freezer camp, but I am unsure what the optimal age would be with cull Marans.

Any guidance would be great...

I cull when I think they are about the weight to make a decent meal.
Thanks everyone.. The birds are not full grown in size and about 18 to 19 weeks. I may give them another couple of weeks and weigh them. I just hate to feed them any longer than I have too. They are going to be very nice Blue Wheaten Splash Roos, but not what I am looking for in my program.
Our state PT tester is a really cool guy named Dan. He is trying to get me to show some of my birds, and it sounds like fun. But I really have a hard time knowing which ones are the "correct for show" color markings and which are just pretty. I do know several entire colors are not yet accepted for shows, which is fine, but still: What EXACTLY am I supposed to be breeding toward?
I would hate to be going in the wrong direction to what the breed standards are.
So... even if I never show, since I am breeding these guys can everyone start putting up pictures of birds are are consider correct for their color? or correct in type? or pictures of rarer colors with what color it is called?
For instance, I have some roosters that I'm told are copper cuckoos. I was going to cull them because Dan said that cuckoos should only be white and black, and cuckoo-ed on every feather.
But others say that they are a rare color and are desirable. I have several variations on that theme as well, including one bird that definitely has the cuckoo gene, but is yellow and white on most of his body, and black and white on his tail, and just at point his back connects to his neck. It's kinda cool looking, but what IS HE?

Anyway. pictures would be really nice of what Marans colors and types should be for showing, or even just to go to breed standards (especially in body type/conformation), and pictures of other cool colors that are not recognized, and what the correct terminology for those colors are.

thanks everyone in advance!
Our state PT tester is a really cool guy named Dan. He is trying to get me to show some of my birds, and it sounds like fun. But I really have a hard time knowing which ones are the "correct for show" color markings and which are just pretty. I do know several entire colors are not yet accepted for shows, which is fine, but still: What EXACTLY am I supposed to be breeding toward?
I would hate to be going in the wrong direction to what the breed standards are.
So... even if I never show, since I am breeding these guys can everyone start putting up pictures of birds are are consider correct for their color? or correct in type? or pictures of rarer colors with what color it is called?
For instance, I have some roosters that I'm told are copper cuckoos. I was going to cull them because Dan said that cuckoos should only be white and black, and cuckoo-ed on every feather.
But others say that they are a rare color and are desirable. I have several variations on that theme as well, including one bird that definitely has the cuckoo gene, but is yellow and white on most of his body, and black and white on his tail, and just at point his back connects to his neck. It's kinda cool looking, but what IS HE?

Anyway. pictures would be really nice of what Marans colors and types should be for showing, or even just to go to breed standards (especially in body type/conformation), and pictures of other cool colors that are not recognized, and what the correct terminology for those colors are.

thanks everyone in advance!
it might be easier for you to post pictures of the ones you would like help with.

My copper maran roo hanging out with ALL the ladies... even the bantam ones follow him around and duck down for attention! lol... That is a silkie/serama mix and a serama in the background...might try a little project hatch to see what the mix looks like! lol

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