Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Baby pics for DMRippy:

Brother & sister

Chasing them all over trying to get pics with a digital camera...argh!!!!!!!!!!

He is looking very nice !

Excuse the mud...and the birds are after worms..........

Isn't he cute ?!!!!!!!!!
Can I have some critique on my boy here? He's BCM and about a year old

I really like his comb size and the way his blade stands out. His eyes are nice too but his tail is too high and it looks like it has a white feather in it. The lighter golden in his hackles is also not what you want either. His leg color looks good but you really want the feathers all the way down to the outer toenail too. He might just be missing those from wear, they often do when they are in open pens. (My nutjobs pluck theirs).....He does look like a big healthy boy though!

I ran into the hackle color problem myself this year and it took a lot of time to figure out where to go with it. I would have culled for it but he is a HUGE beautiful Cottage Hill original and worth my time. I am going to experiment with it the next couple years to see what I can do with him. It is going to be a lot of work!

Baby pics for DMRippy:

Brother & sister

Chasing them all over trying to get pics with a digital camera...argh!!!!!!!!!!

He is looking very nice !

Excuse the mud...and the birds are after worms..........

Isn't he cute ?!!!!!!!!!
You let them play so close to the AXE!?!?

Blue Coppers are my ULTIMATE FAVORITE...

Here is my favorite roo when he was just a babe...

So, the incubator count went up another 60 eggs today

These black birchen babies came home with me today from the sale. Sorry about the wash out on the eggs. I couldn't find a happy medium between the overhead light and flash, but think they are not half bad eggs for birchens! Some of them are very round as well. These are from the same guy I bought those black birchen pullets you liked so well Don. He said he was collecting eggs from all of his birchens, including hens out of cycle, so am willing to cull for body type first, then see what the pullets lay from the hatch. I'll be keeping careful records, but its still exciting to think of the prospects. The darkest ones match up with the 6 on the egg chart, so am willing to work with these eggs, never know what might happen

So, the incubator count went up another 60 eggs today

These black birchen babies came home with me today from the sale. Sorry about the wash out on the eggs. I couldn't find a happy medium between the overhead light and flash, but think they are not half bad eggs for birchens! Some of them are very round as well. These are from the same guy I bought those black birchen pullets you liked so well Don. He said he was collecting eggs from all of his birchens, including hens out of cycle, so am willing to cull for body type first, then see what the pullets lay from the hatch. I'll be keeping careful records, but its still exciting to think of the prospects. The darkest ones match up with the 6 on the egg chart, so am willing to work with these eggs, never know what might happen

very nice! good luck with them
I really like his comb size and the way his blade stands out. His eyes are nice too but his tail is too high and it looks like it has a white feather in it. The lighter golden in his hackles is also not what you want either. His leg color looks good but you really want the feathers all the way down to the outer toenail too. He might just be missing those from wear, they often do when they are in open pens. (My nutjobs pluck theirs).....He does look like a big healthy boy though! I ran into the hackle color problem myself this year and it took a lot of time to figure out where to go with it. I would have culled for it but he is a HUGE beautiful Cottage Hill original and worth my time. I am going to experiment with it the next couple years to see what I can do with him. It is going to be a lot of work! -Nicol
Thanks :) I appreciate your comments. It looks like a white tail feather but its light coming through, because his tail is too high ;)

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