Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

You can test the amount of color a Marans male brings in by crossing him to a white egg layer. Then, hatch some pullets. When they grow out and lay eggs, you will know that rooster's actual contribution. This test has used in France to weed out the light egg genetics from the dark genetics, saving generations of time wasted with Marans males who carry the light egg genetics.

Thanks for that. I have 2, 6 week Olds who's mothers were SLW and my marans the father. I also have one who just hatched who's mother is a silkie. They may not be white egg layers per se but they lay very light colored. Hopefully at least one of them is a pullet so I can see how much color he brings.
Here's my attempt at some close ups. They were wanting back in the brooder so it was difficult.



I thought your pictures were both the same BCM in the front the first time lol. They look like pullets to me.
in the top picture, the one in front looks like a pullet to me and the one in the back looks like a cockerel.

That top pic, the dark black chick in the back is a Ameraucana from Meyers. Supposed to be a pullet so I sure hope it's not a roo ;)
But the one in front is my bcm

Can you get a better pic of that Am? I still think it is a cockerel. Ams don't show color that early. And probably is an Easter egger not an am.

Can you get a better pic of that Am? I still think it is a cockerel. Ams don't show color that early. And probably is an Easter egger not an am.

Heres the best I have on my phone at the moment. And Meyers I believe is one of the only hatcheries that have pure AM, not EE. She was supposed to be a blue but they have in small print it's hatchery choice and you might get black or other etc
This thread is for Marans discussions period. Not just for Breeder/show quality only. It is obvious that we who do breed, what ever breed it may be, enjoy the specific aspect of preserving breeds and also breeding to the SOP but not everyone does and that is OK. Pretty birds that lay pretty eggs may be just perfect for some people and that should be respected just like we who breed to SOP like to be respected for our points of views. Type respectively to each other. We are here to learn, to educate and to have fun.
Hello all, I want to sign up with the Dec.11th, Hatch-along! I have only two young pullets that are laying & I do not wish to carry on their bloodline. That said, I am looking to buy some fertile Marans eggs. Anyone out there can help!! Splash, copper, blue, wheat, it is all good, would like the darkest egg layers possible. Thanks for any help, Rochelle
Close up of her face

And on the second pic she's on your right
Is the top picture the AM? If so she is not an am. She has the wrong comb. Her comb is straight and ams have pea combs. Hatcheries are not the place to get the birds you really want. She may or may not lay blue eggs for you. The blue egg gene TENDS to travel with the pea comb gene.

BTW the prices the hatcheries charge are more than they would be from a reputable breeder.
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