Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

They are very nice, it's hard to achieve the perfect Marans. All the blue copper males I have seen at shows had a fair amount more copper. Do I want a rooster with none to little copper on the breast. And, if care to answer , at what age would you consider the color to be true, mine are only 4 months old and they have a long way to go but I don't want to sit on one that just won't make it.
I have never used one of the copper spotted breast males as a breeder. I just do not want to keep that many culls around as I like to fill my cages up with possibilitys. I would not cull for the Hackle and saddle feathers until 9- 12 months old. If you have the room and the young males are pretty good elsewhere I would hold onto what I could cage.
I quit looking at your Blue Copper pictures as they made me kinda sick.
Better not look at my Facebook or on here once I get into hatching season as they are going to get some major attention this year in terms of hatching season!
I have plenty of room,but I would rather not feed him if he just won't make it. I have one with lots of color in the breast and shoulder area and I don't think he will make a breeder for my program. It's the same ole problem we all face,do I or don't I ? I'm at the age that I need to jump ahead but not if it sets me back. There are lots of opinions on here but some things are concrete,like type and leg color,comb points,just to name a few. I use a lot of the info from here every day when I'm out there with them. I mainly have blue and blue birchen but have decided to try a few more varieties this year. And by the way,I do value all the info that's here. Even if I make the wrong decision it was an informed wrong decision.
Vicki, soon as I get some to set and hatch I plan on setting up a photo page on facebook.
sounds great! will it be an album within your existing FB account or entirely separate? If its separate, be sure to send me a friend link so I can follow. I tried getting some more shots today, but its just so windy and cold...I would say with windchill its in the single digits or negatives at this point. I can only handle about 5 to 10 minutes before I have to come in and warm up again.
sounds great! will it be an album within your existing FB account or entirely separate? If its separate, be sure to send me a friend link so I can follow. I tried getting some more shots today, but its just so windy and cold...I would say with windchill its in the single digits or negatives at this point. I can only handle about 5 to 10 minutes before I have to come in and warm up again.
Vicki, I have not thought about how but will let you know if it is just regular face. I have asked Tannis to check out the Blue Copper thread as I know she has Blue coppers and some Black copper from my yard.

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