Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Great hatching vibes coming to you Hens!
thanks! Glad to hear you are having good luck with your hatch, did you end up with any black chicks? We don't always get splash each time we hatch eggs from a blue x blue -you might need to test some more
What's going on in your bator?

Same to you's the hatch going?
BTW.... I fixed up my hatching tray with the hardware cloth dividers like you have in yours and I love it! Works GREAT!

My broody Splash Copper hen, Darryl, is happily sitting on 2 goose eggs.

Got eggs going into lockdown today. Had a pretty bad hatch last batch. Killed some hatched chicks.... so my project today is to make a few changes in the hatcher.... maybe some vent holes or another fan. Not sure if they suffocated or got too hot in one corner. Don't want a repeat of last hatch... was still pretty good hatch.

Here is a picture of the DARK eggs I am getting from this new batch of pullets. I have 3 blue copper in there and all three lay about the same color. All three of these eggs came from the same pen, but I didn't get my Olive Egg that day... would have made a better picture.

These are my new quarantine pens, broody pens and I will use them to find out who is laying what egg for single matings. Lots of good uses for these. They are easy to make and pretty cheap. I can get the barrels for $7.50. Not going to have a wall quite like Don did but they sure are going to be very handy and take up much less floor space than the way I am doing it now.

Got eggs going into lockdown today. Had a pretty bad hatch last batch. Killed some hatched chicks.... so my project today is to make a few changes in the hatcher.... maybe some vent holes or another fan. Not sure if they suffocated or got too hot in one corner. Don't want a repeat of last hatch... was still pretty good hatch.

Here is a picture of the DARK eggs I am getting from this new batch of pullets. I have 3 blue copper in there and all three lay about the same color. All three of these eggs came from the same pen, but I didn't get my Olive Egg that day... would have made a better picture.

These are my new quarantine pens, broody pens and I will use them to find out who is laying what egg for single matings. Lots of good uses for these. They are easy to make and pretty cheap. I can get the barrels for $7.50. Not going to have a wall quite like Don did but they sure are going to be very handy and take up much less floor space than the way I am doing it now.

Good Luck on your hatch-
sorry to hear about the problems with the last one
thanks for sharing the pictures of your new pens!
Hi Everyone
Looks to me like many of you are hatching. I won't be doing any hatching here for awhile. At least not pure marans. We rehomed our blue copper cockerel Cowboy this past week. He was damaging the hens just too much- as well as having a high tail and a high strung attitude like a arabian stallion lol The home he went to he will be making olive eggers- and they are in love with him. So we are now waiting for our black coppers to stop going broody and for everyone to heal up. The EE's and marans in that pen are looking horrible, even with saddles on. Their shoulders are bare and around their backsides. Poor girls.... Never had this much of a problem before- I am assuming it was his age and not knowing what he was doing..... we even tried putting him in with older girls to teach him manners and he just got beat up in there (missing his tail feathers lol) - as well as fluffing their feathers too much. Oh well- boys are always trouble, home and in the coop! lol

Keep all the chick pictures coming!
I like the idea of the barrel pens. What gallon size barrel is it and how many seem to fit comfortably in there? The dark egg is lovely.
Got eggs going into lockdown today. Had a pretty bad hatch last batch. Killed some hatched chicks.... so my project today is to make a few changes in the hatcher.... maybe some vent holes or another fan. Not sure if they suffocated or got too hot in one corner. Don't want a repeat of last hatch... was still pretty good hatch.

Here is a picture of the DARK eggs I am getting from this new batch of pullets. I have 3 blue copper in there and all three lay about the same color. All three of these eggs came from the same pen, but I didn't get my Olive Egg that day... would have made a better picture.

These are my new quarantine pens, broody pens and I will use them to find out who is laying what egg for single matings. Lots of good uses for these. They are easy to make and pretty cheap. I can get the barrels for $7.50. Not going to have a wall quite like Don did but they sure are going to be very handy and take up much less floor space than the way I am doing it now.

Got eggs going into lockdown today. Had a pretty bad hatch last batch. Killed some hatched chicks.... so my project today is to make a few changes in the hatcher.... maybe some vent holes or another fan. Not sure if they suffocated or got too hot in one corner. Don't want a repeat of last hatch... was still pretty good hatch.

Here is a picture of the DARK eggs I am getting from this new batch of pullets. I have 3 blue copper in there and all three lay about the same color. All three of these eggs came from the same pen, but I didn't get my Olive Egg that day... would have made a better picture.

These are my new quarantine pens, broody pens and I will use them to find out who is laying what egg for single matings. Lots of good uses for these. They are easy to make and pretty cheap. I can get the barrels for $7.50. Not going to have a wall quite like Don did but they sure are going to be very handy and take up much less floor space than the way I am doing it now.

I like your dark pretty egg! The bucket setup is pretty cool. They would suffocate here in FL during the summer even with the front door wire due to the massive gumbo soup humidity that we get during the rainy season. I'd have to make some more windows on the sides to get away with that but it is a good base plan. I've found that even my big coops need to be practically all wire here. The ones that I made that weren't are all slowly being transformed into such.
Hi Everyone
Looks to me like many of you are hatching. I won't be doing any hatching here for awhile. At least not pure marans. We rehomed our blue copper cockerel Cowboy this past week. He was damaging the hens just too much- as well as having a high tail and a high strung attitude like a arabian stallion lol The home he went to he will be making olive eggers- and they are in love with him. So we are now waiting for our black coppers to stop going broody and for everyone to heal up. The EE's and marans in that pen are looking horrible, even with saddles on. Their shoulders are bare and around their backsides. Poor girls.... Never had this much of a problem before- I am assuming it was his age and not knowing what he was doing..... we even tried putting him in with older girls to teach him manners and he just got beat up in there (missing his tail feathers lol) - as well as fluffing their feathers too much. Oh well- boys are always trouble, home and in the coop! lol

Keep all the chick pictures coming!
Sounds like my solid black marans roo. For awhile he was hardly mating any of them then all of a sudden, now he's mating all of them like crazy. The girls in his pen, went from complete feathers to bare backs in like a week! I had to add a bunch of new girls in there to keep him under control lol. Now I have to make a bunch of new aprons for them all grrrr and I don't wanna sew right now lol.
I know it's in this thread somewhere, but would someone please remind me of the correct humidity level from day 1 to 18 and then to hatch? This is my first Marans incubation in a while and I can't find my notes.

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