Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Can anyone tell me how much to expect my hatchery BCMs to lay? I figured coming from a hatchery I would lose color but have production. So far it seems like she is about 2 per week. But she just started last week. Is this normal?
One more thing- what is duckwing (in regards to BCM)? Is this just regarding the lower wing triangle color? (If it is black, it is crow wing?)
1. Yes, duckwing refers to the lower wing triangle.
a. in silver duckwing it is white.
b. in red/gold duckwing ( also known as Black Breasted Red) it is cinnamon colored.
c. I forget the color it is in golden ducking and red shouldered silver duckwing. My best guess is white.
Anyone remember what color the lower wing triangle is in eWh (Wheaten) Marans? I think it is cinnamon?

d. If the lower wing triangle is black, then it is called crow wing.

Thank you Karen! Wheaten is cinnamon.
I'm so excited I just had to come share! A few weeks ago my little, 6 month old OEGB went broody so I gave her 2 pure BCM eggs and two eggs that would be 3/4 BCM and 1/4 brahma. Well, today I heard some tiny peeping coming from her nest while she was off getting a bite to eat. Someone was making noise! Then tonight before bed I checked in on them and the two pure BCM eggs are pipped! I'm so thrilled! Not only do I love this breed but this is my first broody experience, first year with chickens, and first eggs ever hatched :) can't wait to see if there are little fluffy butts in there tomorrow :)
Question. The parents of the pure marans chicks are both black but I don't know for sure if they are BCM or BBS. If they are both BBS could I get any color from them or would they all be black? I really don't care, just curious about that.
I'm so excited I just had to come share! A few weeks ago my little, 6 month old OEGB went broody so I gave her 2 pure BCM eggs and two eggs that would be 3/4 BCM and 1/4 brahma. Well, today I heard some tiny peeping coming from her nest while she was off getting a bite to eat. Someone was making noise! Then tonight before bed I checked in on them and the two pure BCM eggs are pipped! I'm so thrilled! Not only do I love this breed but this is my first broody experience, first year with chickens, and first eggs ever hatched
can't wait to see if there are little fluffy butts in there tomorrow
How exciting!

Question. The parents of the pure marans chicks are both black but I don't know for sure if they are BCM or BBS. If they are both BBS could I get any color from them or would they all be black? I really don't care, just curious about that.
Either way, if both parents are black, all the chicks will be also. Please post pictures!
Hey there maran lovers. I am new here and new to the chicken world. Just been reading what kind of things I learn. I have 3 birchen marans 1 male 2 females. I've been reading and came across the whole feathers having gold is "bad" can someone explain why.

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