Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Hey to all you Marans folks! Can I get an opinion on my Splash Roo and pullets? They are all 15 weeks old now. Lil" Joe is crowing up a storm, but is a polite young dude. The girls are quite feminine looking, I think!




Lovely. Did you buy from eggs and hatch or did you buy chicks. I am curious what color egg they came from. I don't see many splash.

The boy has a nice tail set, feathering, comb. His chest is a bit shallow but time will tell on the final size and he is still young. I like him! - and the girls.
Wow, thanks! He is my first roo ever and is very respectful of me. I am also thinking he will fill out some more. I purchased eggs from a breeding of Channing Grisham line, breeding Blue to Blue. I let my ever-broody Blue Cochin do the work, and voila! Chicks! I had 5/7 hatch, (one stuck and one dud), with two males and three females. Two were a bit more grey, and three whiter. Three feathered shanks, and two not.

Here are the eggs. I had my broody in an unsecured spot for two days, and the other hens broke some of the eggs jostling her about. ARGH!! At least I got a nice trio--I kept all the feathered shanked birds. Second photo of the babies, third of mamahen giving piggy back!



Absolutely precious, and nice color on the eggs. Marans Roos seem to be overall good guys and I really like that about them. You are in for alot of joy from yours.
The more I see the Splashes, the more I like them! Nice birds, and really nice eggs! Before you judge his sweetness, give him another month. Usually between 4 1/2-5 months is when you'll see any "UGLY TUDE" come out in the roos! I've got two sweeties, two nasties, one benign, and one too darn young!
Then there are those in the brooders yet....
I agree Debbi, I actually love the splashes! The one roo I *think* is splash is turning out to be oddly colored? he has some black/blue spots on him but also brown. What is that???


I'd really like a BIG kick butt gorgeous blue splash roo! Hopefully, I will meet up this week with a lady from the coast who has a promising looking youngster.
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Just gotta say you are killin me with that puppy pic in your avatar!

I was gonna ask how your birchen boys and chicks doing? I haven't had a day off in a while, but when I do...I want to get some pics of the ones I have growing out. There is one I'm pretty much over the moon about. He is still young, but I love him. The feathering on his legs is sparser than i'd like, but I'm working on getting my birds nice and feathered

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