Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

"Flower ~ After quite a few really bad hatches here, I tried the dry method. The thing I found with too high a humidity, is that the chicks get too big in the shell, then when you bump the humdidity up, (I used to go to 65% or higher), the chicks ended up drowning in the shell. The last Marans hatch I did here, I was still using the 45%, then 65%, and out of 8 eggs, all but 2 died fully formed. So, when I got the Silkie eggs, I ran it at 35% for the first 18 days, then upped it to 50% for lockdown. Best hatch I ever had!! So, that is the recipe I tried with these Marans eggs too. We'll see how many get hatched out of the 13 that made it to lockdown, things are just starting to crank up now, day 22!"I have Debbi

Sounds like a fair solution. According to the weather site the early morning humidity is in the 40s by afternoon it drops as low as 9% during the summer or about 20% is the sun is not too hot. In the evening it starts to go up. On my property there is a good amount of foliage so it might be slightly higher here. I resigned to either get a new hygrometer or recalibrate those I have and start over. But I am frustrated.
Got three hatched now! 2 blues, 1 splash. Two more starting to zip!
Congrats on your babies Debbie. I hope that splash is a little roo.
I just put my dark blue silkie boy in with the silkie girls (partridge, splash, and buff lol) I am hoping for some blue partridge silkies and some more splash silkies. I don't really want any blue x buff babies lol but am not gonna separate her right now. I need to find a pretty buff silkie roo for her. I liked having silkie babies over the holiday season last year so gonna do it again

I do all my hatches 'dry hatch' it just works out so much better for me. It is plenty humid enough here unless it is winter and we have the heater on then that's a whole different story lol.
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I have about 6 eggs under a broody. They are BCMs. They should be hatching right around halloween. The goofy hen went broody in a big feed pan under my auto feeder. I threw some hay in there and she has that all arranged to her liking and is pretty serious about her brooding job. When I go to check on her she puffs up like a big toad an roars her little hen roar to let me know I better not touch her stuff.

Thank goodness she is not mean. She's a big enough old girl I think she could take a finger off if she wanted.

I am hatching these for someone else. I am trying to decide if I should let her hatch them or if I should remove the eggs toward lockdown time or what. Maybe I should just let her hatch them, and then remove the chicks as they hatch.

Any suggestions about this?
Somebody here was helping me out a week or so ago helping me learn more about my blue birchen roo I have, and told me I should have eggs within two weeks if my roo has been busy with the girls.

Guess what I found in the coop today!?!?!?!!? The two dark eggs in the upper left corner!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! So excited!!! Not sure who is doing the laying, but still excited!!!!

Hey guys Need to know what these girlies are blues or blacks? I have a BCM and a super light blue Maran (No copper) and the color of these hens lay right in the middle of them both. Im clueless one day im for sure there black then the next im for sure their just dark blue.

The ladies on the left






These last two are the Hens one is for sure black copper Maran and blue Maran



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