Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Don't make me want to go on a road trip!!!!! Dang.... that is what I need cuckoos with leg feathering and dark eggs (you don't really know about the eggs) PM me their info, I know they sell eggs too.....
have to wait till fall.
haha...too funny. I don't know about their egg color...perhaps you could email them and ask. I can PM you more details in a minute. I have a wild hooligan named Gremlin that's out of his carrier for playtime (baby kitty I've been taking care of since he was 4 or 5 days old).
that is SILVER!
Very pretty..... I must resist..... I must.... BECKY!!!! DON"T YOU DARE GET ANY..... MORE!

PINK.... don't send any info on where you got your eggs from to me or Becky
Now that is a gorgeous Birchen... and thanks to Pink for sending me the info.... :)
Are marans an especially docile breed? I just got some chicks (blue copper and black copper) and they are so calm. <3
I'm experiencing the same thing. BO were actually my first pick so I got 4 of them. I do love them and look forward to their fluffy butts in the coming months but the 2 little Marans won me over and I have already decided that's the breed we will keep on our little farm (breeding that is). :D
(((hugs)))Vicki -you're a very resilient person
I suppose...who knows. Just never really had things easy or handed to me. Always had to work hard for things, which certainly gives some steeliness....maybe that's why I'm not the cuddliest person haha
I just tell it like it is, even when people don't want to hear it.
I have some nice pullets, but this was my best hope for a roo, the others I culled earlier do to more gold bleed through. I do have some eggs on the way soon... :) Hopefully I can get a very nice Cockerel out of them.

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